Book Title: Marginalia To Dharmakirtis Pramanaviniscaya I II
Author(s): Christian Lindtner
Publisher: Christian Lindtner

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Page 16
________________ 164 CH. LINDTNER des Verses 42 ist wohl genauso wie der Rest von Vers 41 in die Prosa aufgegangen" (op. cit., p. 90, note to line 7). This leaves us either with one verse of two padas and one of three pādas, or with one stanza of five pādas. As there seems to be no precedent to such a metrical irregularity in Dharmakirti the translators (or clerks) are apparently to be held responsible for this unsatisfactory state of affairs. On p. 88, 1. 23, however, we read: 'dod pa dan mi 'dod par snan ba ni rtog pa yin gyi dban po 'i blo ni ma yin no że na /, which is a literal prose version of PV III, 345ab: iṣṭāniṣṭāvabhāsinyaḥ kalpanā nākṣādhir yadi /. To support this identification we must also account for the missing pada of 42a. On p. 90, 1. 3 we read: de ñid kyi phyir tshad ma dan bras bu dag yul tha dad pa yan ma yin no . Vetter identifies this with a line occurring in the Dharmottarapradīpa (p. 91, 1. 16): na pramanaphalayor visayabhedaḥ, but here the de ñid kyi phyir (*tasmat) as well as the kyan (*api) are missing. VETTER also calls attention to PV III, 350 ab: tasmād viṣayabhedo 'pi na, svasamvedanam phalam /. This reference, I think, solves our difficulty: de ñid kyi phyir (= tasmad) and yul tha dad pa yan ma yin no (= visayabhedo 'pi na) should be printed as stanza 42a (b) whereas tshad ma dan bras bu dag (=pramanaphalayor; cf. Dharmottarapradīpa, loc. cit.) originally was composed as prose by Dharmakīrti. There are, as known, numerous similar instances of this misrakavyakhyāna style in the first chapter of PV40. In this way we may retain Vetter's numbering and read two regular stanzas as we would expect Dharmakirti to have composed (PVin I, 41-42): tadanyasamvido bhāvāt svasamvit phalam isyate / istāniṣṭāvabhasinyaḥ kalpana nākṣadhir yadi || tasmad viṣayabhedo 'pi na, svasamvedanam phalam uktam svabhāvacintāyām tādātmyad arthasamvidaḥ || Similar problems occur in PVin II. STEINKELLNER (p. 40) prints verse 28 as follows: /mtshan ñid de dan Idan pa yi // gtan tshigs de ni mi dmigs dan bdag dan bras bu źes bya gsum || kho na 'o, and in his translation (p. 44) he notes: "Der Vers ist nicht vollständig, aber die Kommentare enthalten keinen Hinweis auf eine mögliche Ergänzung". However, there is a solution. On p. 30 (!) we read as prose: rjes dpag bya dan de mtshuns la / (DERGE has //!) yod dan med la med par ni || nes pa. In the Nyāyāvatāravivṛtti of Siddharsi (p. 51, 1. 22-23 and elsewhere11) we find the following stanza: anumeye tha tattulye sadbhāvo nāstitāsati/niścitānupalambhātmakāryākhyā hetavas trayaḥ . So what we read on p. 30 is in fact the beginning of a verse - PVin II, 9 - the 40 Cf. GNOLI, op. cit., p. XXXI. 41 Cf. STEINKELLNER's translation of Hetubindu, pp. 207-208.


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