Book Title: Marginalia To Dharmakirtis Pramanaviniscaya I II
Author(s): Christian Lindtner
Publisher: Christian Lindtner

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Page 14
________________ 162 CH. LINDTNER extant works. So here Tattvanişkarşa may be held to provide the "missing link”. Secondly this new fragment (even if it does not hail from Tattvanişkarşa, but from some other work of Dharmakīrti's, the title of which is not known), sheds some light on the formation of at least this part of PVin. Now we know that it was composed as a systematic reshuffle not only of PV but also of one or more) of the author's earlier works, among these the Tattvanişkarşa. This is decisive when we have to assess the position of PVin within the literary output of Dharmakīrti as a whole. Thirdly, we have now found a place for depositing some of the quotations from Dharmakīrti occurring in later philosophical works but not to be traced in any of his extant treatises 36 In order to gain a better understanding of the historical position of Dharmakīrti it is obviously incumbent upon us to determine hiş relationship to predecessors and opponents. Here we need not discuss the profound influence of Vasubandhu and Dignāga but will confine ourselves to point out some reminiscences of another and less known Buddhist philosopher, namely Kambala, the author of Alokamālā (ca. 500 A. D.) 87. There are at least two stanzas (57, 84) in the. Alokamālā - which itself betrays unmistakable influence from Vasubandhu and Dignāga - that here come into consideration: 57. bhāvyate yad yad evetaḥ pāramparyena bālišaih / tat tad eva puraḥ khyāti bhāvanābalanirmitam / 84. iti buddhyā vibhāgo 'sya panditaiḥ parikalpyate / abhāgasyāpi cittasya lokasamortisatyatah // With these compare PV III, 282 cd (= PVin I, 29 cd), 284 cd and 285 (= PVin I, 31): abhūtān api paśyanti purato 'vasthitān iva // spastābham nirvikalpam ca bhāvanābalanirmitam // tasmād bhūtam abhūtam vā yad yad evābhibhāvyate / bhāvanā parinispattau tat sphutākalpadhīphalam | 36 For our purpose two stanzas are of special interest: nīlapītādi yaj jñānam bahirvad avabhāsate / tan na satyam ato nāsti vijñeyam tattvato bahih // tada peksā ca samvitter matā yä kartprūpatā / sāpy atattvam ataḥ samvid advayeti vibhāvyate Il. It is quoted Anekāntajayapatākā, Vol. II, p. 82 (with the wrong reading apeksayā for apeksā, and mistakenly ascribed to PV) and in the Syādvādakalpalatā to Šāstravārtāsamuccaya, 393. Cf. also PV III, 220 to which Yasovijayajī (ad 392) incidentally quotes a clause from Devendravyākhyā: citrajñāne hi yo nīlādiņ pratyavabhāsate, jñānopādhir jñānavisesano 'nubhavasvātmabhūta iti... (TD, No. 4217, fol. 196 a 3 (v. 1.]). For Devendrabuddhi, cf. FRAUWALLNER, Kleine Schriften, pp. 842-846. - For the background: Alambanaparikṣā, 6; Alokamālā, 26-27. 37 For this text see WZKS 26 (1982) 191–194. My edition will appear in Indiske Studier 5 (1984).


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