Book Title: Marginalia To Dharmakirtis Pramanaviniscaya I II
Author(s): Christian Lindtner
Publisher: Christian Lindtner

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________________ Marginalia to Dharmakīrti's Pramāņaviniscaya 163 and PV III, 353 (= PVin I, 45) and III, 212: avibhāgo 'pi buddhyātmā viparyāsitadarsanaih / grāhyagrāhakasamvittibhedavān iva laksyate // paricchedo 'ntar anyo 'yam bhāgo bahir iva sthitaḥ / jñānasyābhedino bheda pratibhāso hy upaplavah // From these parallels we not only see one of Dharmakīrti's sources but also how, in his characteristic manner, he almost rewrites them rendering their meaning more precise and specific so as to suit his own purpose. Kambala, who follows the nirākāravāda of Vasubandhu, does not classify yogijñāna as pratyaksa, nor does he take svasamvitti as pramānaphala, nor does he, consequently, accept the triple division of vijñāna. These features are specific to the sākāravāda of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti, etc. - In the same way it is a task for future research to trace instances where Dharmakīrti has critical allusions to various nonBuddhist authors and thus reconstruct the living dialogue in which he was participating 38. (A tremendous task in itself, needless to add, is to trace and reconstruct the subsequent influence of Dharmakīrti's own contributions to the debate inside and outside the Buddhist fold.) Moreover there are some problems with regard to the numbering and identification of the stanzas of PVin as edited by VETTER and STEINKELLNER. Some of these may be solved by searching for further fragments than have hitherto been identified in later sources. First of all, to be sure, there seems to be no problem with regard to PVin I, 19d where abc occur on p. 58 whereas d first occurs on p. 62, an antaraśloka having been inserted as stanza 20. There are other instances of this awkward procedure, as we shall see, occurring in the second chapter of PVin. The Sanskrit of PVin I, 19 is quoted in Kalpalatāviveka, p. 46, 1. 27–28: mānasam cākşavijñānānantarapratyayodbhavam / tadarthāntaragrāhi sukhādinām svasamvedanam // 39. With regard to stanzas 41 and 42 we face problems. 41 ab corresponds, as Vetter points out, to PV III, 332 cd whereas “Der Anfang 38 38 Thus, for instance, there are several interesting allusions to Vākyapadīya (VP), compare PV II, 2d with VPI, 13 ab; PVin I, 47b with VP I, 37; PV I, 21 with VP I, 32, etc. - On the other hand when Sākyamati ad PV II, 5 (TD, No. 4220, fol. 79 a 5) quotes Siddhasena's Nyāyāvatāra 2 (q.v.), this celebrated Jaina author surely is under the influence of Dharmakīrti, here as elsewhere. This is a new piece of evidence for the discussion about the date of Siddhasena. 39 I owe this reference to Ernst Steinkellner who, for pāda d also refers to NBhūş, p. 101, 1. 7. In a I have emended cāksuo to cāksa'. - For PVin I, 21 ab Steinkellner kindly calls my attention to Távarapratyabhijñavivstivimarsinī, I, p. 116, 1. 25; II, p. 361, 1. 11; Bhāmatī, p. 537, 1. 19; Nyāyakaạikā, p. 190, 1. 9. See Pāda-Index to PVin.


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