42/Lord Mahavira
Conquest of the Self
One's unconquered mind together with four passions and five uncontrolled sense-organs are the ten powerful enemies of man.
Conquering these ten, O great sage, I wonder peacefully.
On conquering one, I have conquered five, on conquering five, I conquered ten; By this ten fold victory, I have conquered all enemies.
The dreadful tree of desires brings forth dreadful fruit; this tree being permanently uprooted, O great sage, I wonder peacefully.
Know the soul to be different from perishable body and steadily engage yourself in destroying the karmic influence.
Destroy the passions by observing austerity and also relinquish the tendency of enjoying the sensual pleasures.
It is better to control myself by self-restraint and austerity instead of being enslaved and subjugated by others.
The five senses, the four passions i.e. anger, pride, deceit and greed and the unconquered self are the ten mighty enemies, when seif is conquered, everything is conquered.
The self is distinct from the body, This is the foundation of all moral and spiritual life.
Indian wisdom emphasizes the uniqueness of the knowledge related to Self.