126 / Lord Mahavira
Spiritual and Practical aspects
Lord Mahavira was a firm believer in maintaining discipline. Those who practice discipline themselves, alone can demand discipline from others. Lord Mahavira had set a glorious example of sadhana. Supreme purpose of sadhana is to dissociate the soul from all kinds of instincts. Sadhana does not aim at acquiring supernatural or miraculous power, it simply aims at self purification. Spiritualism aims at attainment of pure knowledge. The purpose of sadhana is to revive the original nature and purity of consciousness. Spiritual life aims at gettings rid of passions of anger, deceit, conceit and greed which contaminate consciousness. A sadhak should be aware of external conditions under which he performs Sadhana as well as the potential which his soul possesses. No body can perform sadhana by remaining hungry. But it is possible to give up attachment and craving for food.
Human nature can be changed and the consciousness of man can be purified and freed from all kinds of limitations imposed upon mind through sadhana.