118/Lord Mahavira
A timid person is always helpless and under the influence of some fear or the other, he makes others also fearful.
A timid person is influenced by evil spirits.
One who is fearful gives up the practice of austerity and self-restraint.
A fearful person is unable to shoulder any important responsibility.
A fearful person becomes incompetent to tread the path of righteousness.
One should conquer all kinds of fear-fear of sudden calamities, dreadful diseases, tensions, old age and even fear of death.
Abhoyadana is supreme among all charities.
A person who has firm devotion towards jiva, will have no fear in this world.
He, who is free from fears is always unapprehensive. An aspirant should always move about fearlessly.
The seven causes of fear are-1. Fear related to the present birth, 2. Fear related to the next birth, 3. Fear of movements, 4. Fear of sudden calamities, 5. Fear of livelihood, 6. Fear of death and 7. Fear of disrepute.