Mahavira & Doctrine of Karma / 67
1. Karma: Jain Theory
In Jaina thought, the karma theory is the pivotal point. The Jainas maintain that karma is the cause of bondage and its cessation leads to liberation.
From the phenomental point of view, karma is the transformation of the material objects. Caused by the self and also at the same time it is the transformation of the self caused by the material objects.
From the monumental point of view, karma is the transformation of self through the self which is caused by subsidence-cum-destruction of its energy and knowledge obscuring nature and karma is the transformation of the material objects through the material objects.
The performance of the self caused by perverted knowledge, perverted faith etc is known as karma.
According to Jainism karma does not stand for deed, work and fate as understood by other systems of Indian thought.
It is an aggregate of the finest and minutest particles of matter which are not at all cognizable by our senses. Karma attracts the self and envelops it which in trun produces pleasure and pain.
It is a substantive force which binds the self to the consequences of its good and bad actions.
Karma overpowers the essential and innate qualities of the self which are knowledge, faith, energy and bliss leaving self in bondage.
Law of karma is based on the series of acts and effects in which each act is followed by its effect.