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woman is allowed to have two or three husbands, it will cure all evil. All this is fanaticism and wise men will never be fanatics. They can never do real work. If there were no fanaticism in the world, it would make much more progress than it does now. It is all silly nonsense to think that fanaticism makes for the progress of mankind. It is, instead, a retarding block, because it rouses hatred and anger, and causes people to fight against each other, and makes them unsympathetic. We think that whatever we do or possess is the best thing in the world, and that those things which we do not do or possess are of no value. So, always remember this curly tail of the dog whenever you have a tendency to become a fanatic. You need not worry yourself or make yourself sleepless about the world; it will go on in spite of you. The Lord God is its Governor and Maintainer, and in spite of wine fanàtics and cigar fanatics and all sorts of marriage fanatics, the world will go on under His care. When you have avoided fanaticism, then alone will you