The Philosophy of Isvara.
Who is Isvara ? "From whom is the birth, continuation and dissolution of the universe, "*_He is Isvara--"the Eternal, the Pure, the Ever Free, the Almighty, the AllKnowing, the All-Merciful, the Teacher of all teachers"; and above all “He the Lord is, of His own nature, inexpressible Love." +
These certainly are the definitions of a personal God. Are there then two Gods ? The "not this, not this," the Sat-chit-ananda, the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, of the philosopher, and this God of Love of the bhakta ? No, it is the same “Sat-chit-ananda" who is also the God of Love, the impersonal and personal in one. It has always to be
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(Vedanta Sutan Ch. 1-1-2) सवर निर्मचनीयमापः