in ignorance and subject to change."* In commenting on the word wecha, used by Sandilya, the commentator Svapnesvara says that it means wa, after, and tra, attachment ; 2. e., "the attachment which comes after the knowledge of the nature and glory of God”;t else a blind attachment to any one, e.g., to wife or children would be Bhakti. We plainly see, therefore, that Bhakti is a series or succession of mental efforts at religious realisation beginning with ordinary worship and ending in supremely intense love for the Isvara.
पानमसम्बपर्यन्ता अगदन्तावस्थिताः । प्राणिनः कर्मनितसंसारवशवर्तिनः । यतसती न ते ध्याने ध्यानिनामुपकारकाः।
aframmam: a fe tarcie: 1 † Horeca framky Tropfehlutaneyefufcit (Sandilya Satras, 1-2 Commentary by Swapnesvara)