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We see one event followed by another, or some. times happening simultaneously with another, we expect this sequence or co-existence to recur. Our old logicians and philosophers of the Nyaya school call this law by the name of Vyapti. According to them all our ideas of law are due to association. A series of phenomena becomes associated with things in our mind in a sort of invariable order, so that whatever we perceive at any time is immediately referred to other facts in the mind. Any one idea or, according to our psychology, any one wave that is produced in the unind-stuff, chitta, must always give rise to many other waves. This is the psychological idea of association, and causation is only an aspect of this grand and pervasive principle of association. This pervasiveness of association is what is, in Sanskrit, called Vyapti. In the external world the idea of kaw is the same as in the internal world—the expectation that a particular phenomenon will be followed by another, and that the series will repeat itself so far as we can see: ": Really speaking,