eager and continuous remembrance is meant."* This is devotion according to Sankara.
Bhagavan Ramanuja in his commentary thus says about Bhakti :
“Meditation again is a constant remembrance (of the thing meditated upon) flowing like an unbroken stream of oil poured out from one vessel to another. When this kind of remembering has been attained in relation to God) all bondages break. Thus it is spoken of in the scriptures regarding constant remembering as a means to liberation. This remembering again is of the same form as seeing, because it is of the same meaning, as in the passage, 'When He Who is far and near is seen, the bonds of the
• तथा हि खोके गुरुमुपास्ते राजानसपास इति च यतात्पर्येच गुर्बादीननुवति स एवमुच्यते। तथा ध्यायति प्रीषितनाथा पतिमिति या निरन्तरसरका पति प्रति सीतकला सैवमभिधीयते।
(Vedanta Sutra-Sankara Bhasya-Ch. IV-I-1) + Vedanta Sutra l--1-2, Commentary by Ramanuja.