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to bear upon you. If it is a good action you will have to take the good effect, and, if it is a bad action, you will have to take the bad effect; but any action that is not done for your own sake, whatever it be, will have no effect on you. There is to be found a very expressive sentence in our scriptures embodying this idea :—Even if he kill the whole universe (or be himself killed) he is neither the killed nor the killing, when he knows. that he is not acting for himself at all.” Therefore Karma-Yoga teaches, "Do not give up the world; live in the world, imbibe its influences as much as you can; but if it be for your own enjoyment's sake-work not at all. Enjoyment should not be the goal. First kill yourself and then take the whole world as yourself; as the old "Christians used to say “ the old man must die.” This old man is the selfish idea that the whole world is made for our enjoyment. Foolish parents teach their children to pray, "O Lord, thou hast created this sun for me and this moon for me,” as if the Lord has had nothing else to do than to create