like! Is not God (Brahman) above all possibie, not merely through the misery, sorrow, depression, anger, sense organs as is generally thought. fear, shame, etc. as He is held to be These shapes of the MANAS are in Samkara-Vedanta ?'. Samkara-Ve- called its VRTTIs (modalities) in danta will bring in here the JIVA, Samkara-Vedanta. In fact, even all the 'the empiric soul of the individual. so-called internal states such as joy, The JIVA, 'the empiric soul', is the misery, depression, sense of shame, 'atman' (the metaphysical soul which happiness, anger are but the VRTTIS is one with God, Brahman) plus the of the MANAS which the catman' MANAS (mind) of the individual. stationed in the heart perceives as Samkara-Vedanta will give conclusive the ever-unaffected 'witness' of its proofs of the existence in men and modalities. What is more, man-no women of such an entity as the less than woman-identifies his 'atman' MANAS. We cannot enter into this with the JIVA (which is the 'atman' subject in an article of this length plus the VRTTI, modality, of the dealing with the Samkara-Vedantic MANAS) because of his AVIDYA soul. We can only say that (primeval Nescience, Ignorance of the 'Samkara-Vedantic MANAS is Truth), and feels joyous, happy, miseroughly the equivalent of 'the table, angry, etc. according to the brain' in a living person of physiology VRTTIs (modalities) of his MANAS which none whose brain is in (mind). If the MANAS takes, say, a
der will doubt or deny. Nuw. the triangular shape, the individual to MANAS, which according to Samkara- whom it belongs feels, let us say, Vedanta is matter, subtle matter, 1 uphappy; if it takes a circular shape, is always mobile except in the deep, he or she feels happy; if it takes a dreamless sleep of the individual skew-quadrilateral shape, he or she to whom it belongs. It assumes vari. feels cross, and so on. All the while ous (metaplıysical) shapes according the soul (atman') in him or her is to its perceptions of object and the ever-unaffected 'witness' (pure presents them to the soul 'atman') consciousness) of the various states statrioned in the heart which then or modalities of his or her MANAS. comes to perceive the objects, it is In other words, it is the JIVA of thus that perception is rendered the individual, his or her 'atman' 1 CÉ. CHANDOGYA Upanishad,
a plus his or her MANAS, that feels VI, vi-vii and Samkara's commen
happy, miserable, angry, etc. The tary on them,
fatman' is never miserable, angry,
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