ned by a strict mathematician. (The contrariam semper at aequalem esse question of what is right and what reactionem' (for every action there is is 'wrong' will crop up here, indeed a reaction which is equal to it in but we cannot enter in an article of magnitude and opposite in direction). this length into a discussion of this This may seem to us to be perfect vast, oceanic theme.) You cannot sin justice, indeed. It was not, for there but you have to pay for it in this or was what is called in physics 'fricin some other birth of yours on earth tional loss' in the kick of the bouor elsewhere in the universe which is lder to Dr. Johnson, and the poor bubbling with life in innumerable boulder had therefore only a kind of forms and consciousness. In other justice but not "perfect justice'. This words, death is not the end of thin. 'loss' sustained by the boulder can gs, although it may seem to be so, be righted cent per cent only if Dr. that good and bad, right and wrong, Johnson and the boulder change great and small, meet massed in death. places on earth, that is to say, only Transmigration, rebirth, secures if Dr. Johnson is reborn on earth perfect, mathematical, justice for at some near or far off time all, even the so-called inanimate ob- boulder and the boulder as Dr. Johnjects that are not really inanimate' son who kicks at the boulder a but Brahman (consciousness) as violently as Dr. Johnson did. "Thou Samkara will have us note. It is to shalt suffer as much and for as long be noted here that what may seem as thou hast made another suffer to us to be perfect justice' is not undeservedly, thou shalt be as happy soon close and critical analysis. and for as long as thou hast deserThus, the Biblical 'a tooth for a vedly made another happy', this may tooth' will seem to be perfect justice be said to be the spirit of Samkara's but is not for the one tooth may be transmigration philosophy which is old and useless and the other young a necessary corollary to his famous and useful. To give another instance.
Karmic philosophy, and this austere When the fat Doctor Johnson violen- philosophy applies to the gods, men, tly kicked at an innocent boulder
women, frogs, mice, spirits, devils, that had in no way harmed him,
stones...... saying, to Boswell if we remember, 'I refute him (Berkely) thus, the A brief justification of God boulder pomptly returned the kick to as a mathematician. him in accordance with the New- A brief justification of God astonian third- law of motion 'Action being I primarily a mathematician to
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