Book Title: Jainism in South India and Some Jaina Epigraphs
Author(s): P B Desai
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Samrakshak Sangh Solapur
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literacy and literature, and the Jaina monk came to be regarded as a unique symbol of knowledge. But later on, in different areas, Jaina centres and Jainas fell & victim to the persecution at the hands of the followers of other faiths for which sufficient evidence is presented in this volume.
The presentation of these epigraphs in Devanāgarī accompanied by a Hindi summary, in the Appendix, it is hoped, will make the volume useful to a wider circle of readers.
The authorities of the Jivarāja Jaina Granthamālā offer their sincere thanks to Shri P. B. Desai, M. A., who has generously placed this labour of love of his at their disposal for publication in this Series.
Thanks are due to Shri V. P. Kothari, B. A., LL. B., Pleader, Gulbarga, for making arrangements to take many of the photographs included in this work. It was very kind of Dr. G. C. Chaudhari, M, A., Ph. D., Nava Nalandi Mahāvihāra, Nalanda, to have prepared the Hindi summaries of the inscriptions. It was due to the willing cooperation of the Manager, N. S. Press, Bombay, that such a neat appearance could be given to this volume.
The General Editors record their thanks to Br. Jivarajaji, the enlightened founder and patron of the Mālā, as well as to the members of the Trust Committee and Prabandhasamiti for their sincere zeal for research and for their generosity in undertaking such a costly publication, with illustrations, which has very limited sale. It pains them that Br. Jivarajabhai, who was showing such a keen interest in this work, did not live to see this published: he passed away quietly and peacefully on Wednesday 16-1-1957 at Sholapur after having relinquished all that he had for the Sangha. They trust that the present volume is a worthy contribution to South Indian studies, and it would open in future many a new line of study in the fields of Jaina history, culture and literature.
H. L. Jain & A. N. Upadhye
General Editors
Sholapur : 2-6-1957