Book Title: Jainism as Metaphilosophy Author(s): S Gopalan Publisher: Satguru Publications Delhi View full book textPage 9
________________ PREFACE The theme of the present work suggested itself to me as I was working on the two lectures “Philosophical Perspectives of Jainism" I was invited to deliver in November, 1986 by the University of Madras. I felt honoured indeed by the invitation since the prestigious Mahasati Tarabaiswamy Endowment Lectureship of Jaina Philosophy was instituted only during 1983-84 and I was the third one to be called upon to give my philosophical perceptions on this ancient Indian tradition! The task was an onerous onc, for it is not easy to disentangle the philosophical aspects of the Jaina tradition from its religious aspects. Though this is a characteristic of the Indian tradition as a whole, the enormous amount of misunderstanding that surrounds Jainism in general and the doctrines of Anekantavāda, Nayavāda and Syadvāda in particular, makes the philosophical trcaiment of the latter especially hazarduous. For this very reason I chose the contemporary theme of mela-philosophy as my frame of reference. In this study I have altempted to illustrate that by deliberately asking questions like: "What is the scope and subject matter of Philosophy?” and “How should philosophers proceed in thcir analyses of rival systems of thought?" one can better appreciate the dccpcr philosophical import of Jainism. After spelling out the idea of metaphilosophy as I see it, I have argued that a constructive-critical approach to sister-systems is exhorted by Jainism as a great responsibility of philosophy. I have also tried to indicate that though the doctrinal aspects of philosophy are distinguishable from its methodological aspects, thcy are not distinct. I have been selective in regard to the rich material available on Jainism to spotlight the issues involved. I must record here my thanks to the Donors of the Jaina Lectureship and to my former teacher, Professor R. Balasubramanian, ex-Director of the Dr S. Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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