posed a serious rival to the Rṣabha Cult or the creed of the Arhatas, Vratyas or Śramaņas as Jainism was variously described.1
The creed of the Nirgranthas, another name of Jainism, maintained its position as one of the three major religions of the century till the advent of Islam in India somewhere around 12th Century A.D., the other two religions being Brahmanism (Hinduism) and Buddhism.
Oriental or Indological studies by Western scholars commenced around the beginning of last quarter of 18th century. It was Sir William Jones who took the initiative, pioneered the studies and founded Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1874 A.D. It was Brahmanism or Hinduism, which engaged their attention first, and the interest in Jainism came quite late.
First publication on Jains was made by Lieut. Wilfred in Asiatic Researches in 1799, and then later by Col. Colin Mackenzi and Dr. F. Buchanan Hamilton in 1807 followed by H.T. Cole Brooke's observation on Jaina.
As the time passed, Jaina system of religion and culture was studied intensively. Scholars worked in the field, most notably among them being: Albreech Weber, Leumann, Rice, Fleet Guerinot, Wilson, Jacobi, Buhler, Hoernel, Schubring and Zimmer etc. It is due to sincere efforts put in by these oriental lists, now Jainology has come to be an important branch of Indology, oriental studies and comparative study of religions.
Mrs. Sinclair Stevenson said "The genius of the people of India does not lie in historical research; to them metaphysical thought is the chief end of man and they are content to leave to Western scholars the task of filling in the large gaps of unexplored country in their history.'
Dr. Jyoti Prasad Jain, "Religion & culture of Jains", P - 8 Sinclair Stevenson, "The Heart of Jainism", Delhi, 1915{1995},P -7
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