We have ample references of Vātaraśanā Munis in Rgveda?. According to Srimadbhāgavata, Rşabhadeva started religion of vātaraśanā Śramaņa. In Taittirīya-āranyaka disciple of Rşabhadeva were called vātaraśanā ķși. "'The tradition of vrātya or Vātaraśanā does not seem belonging to Vedic tradition because in the beginning there is no trace of people practicing Śramanic way of life in Vedic tradition.
In Padmapurāṇa and Vişnupurāņa, Jaina religion was called as ārhat-religion or religion of Arhats." In ancient literature of Jainism, it is called Jina-śāsana, Jina-vacana or Jina-mārga; but it was never called as Jaina religion. Later on in Matsyapurāņa and Devībhāgavata-purāņa, Jainism was called Jaina religion. 2
As per time, period and place, the name of Jainism kept on changing but it does not mean that Jainism is a latest and not an old religion. In any event, whatever it was called, as per the tradition of that period, it has always been connected with the Lord Rşabha.
It is interesting and peculiar to note that Śaivism is named after Śiva and Vaişnavism is named after Vişņu. Buddhism is named after Buddha and Christianity is named after Christ, but Jainism is not named after any person nor it is called religion of Rşabhadeva, Pārsvanātha or Mahāvīra, but it is a religion of Arhat being, the omniscient and perfect being. 33
According to Jaina version of Rāmāyaṇa, also a great epic of Hindu religion, Rāvana and his Rākṣasas were highly cultured people, belonging to a race of vidyādharas, which is common name of tribes’ rikșa, yakşa, nāga, phaņi, gandharva, kinnara, vyantara,
- Acharya Hastimalji Maharaj, "Jaina Dharma kā Moulika Itihāsa”, First Ch, P-41 30 Ibid.,P-41,note no.6 3 Ibid., P-42,note no.5&6 32 Ibid.,P-43, note no.5 "Acharya Hastimalji, "Jaina Dharma kā Moulika Itihāsa", P-43
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