Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ Linguistic. Publications of Trubner & Co., Arabia. By A. Sprenger. An Account of Jernsalem, Tranalated for the late Sir H. M. Elliott from the Peraian 'l'ext of Náair ibn Khuara's Safaqamah by the late Mejor A. R. Fulier.-The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon, By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley. Vol. VI., Part II., pp. 213 to 400 and lxxxiv., sewed. Illustrated with a Map, Plates, and Woodcuts. Ss. CONTENTA.- On Hionen-Theang's Journey from Patna to Ballabhi. By James Fergusson, D.C.L., F.R.S.-Northern Buddhiam. [Note from Colonel H. Yule, addreared to the Secretary.] -Hwen Thaang'a Account of the Principalities of Tokhárietán, etc. By Colonel H. Yule, C.B. - The Brhat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-ibira. Translated from Sanskrit into Eaglish by Dr. H. Kein.-The Initial Coinage of Bengal, under the Early Muhammadan Conquerore. Part II. Embracing the preliminary period between A.n. 614-634 (A.D. 1217-1236-7). By Edward Thomas, F.R.S.-The Legend of Dipankara Buddha. Translated from the Chinese and intended to illustrate Plates xxix. and L., Tree and Serpent Worehip '). By S. Beal.--Note on Art. IX., antè pp. 213-274 on Hiouen-Thsang'a Journey from Patog to Ballabhi. By James Ferguson. D.C.L., F.R.8.-Contributiona towards a Glossary of the Asayrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Vol. VII., Part I., pp. 170 and 24, Bewed. With a plate.' 88. CONTENTE.-The Upasampada-Kammavácá, being the Buddhist Manual of the Form and Manger of Ordering of Prieats and Deacons. The Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes By J. F. Dickson, B.A., sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Service.-Notes on the Megalitbic Monuments of the Coimbatore Dietrict, Madrae. By M. J. Walhouse, late Madraa C.S.-Notes on the Sinhalese Language. No. 1, On the Formation of the Plural of Neuter Nouns. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-The Pali Text of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta and Commentary, with a Translation. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-The Brihat-Saohitå; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varah a-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern.-Note on the Valley of Choombi. By Dr. A. Campbell, late Superintendent of Darjeeling.-The Name of the Twelfth Imám on the Coinage of Egypt. By H. Sauvaire and Stanley Lane Poole.-Three Inscriptions of Parakrama Babu the Great from Pulastipura, Ceylon (date circa 1180 A.D.). By T. W. Rhya Davida.-Of the Kharáj or Mubammadan Laod Tax; ita Application to British India, and Effect on the Tenure of Land. By N. B. E. Baillie.-Appeadix: A Specimen of a Syriac Version of the Kalīlah wa-Dimnah, with an English Translation. By W. Wright. Vol. VII., Part II., pp. 191 to 394, sewed. With seven plates and a map. 88. CONTENTA.—Sigiri, the Lion Rock, near Pulastipura, Ceylon; and the Thirty-niatb Chapter of the Mahavamea. By T. W. Rhya David..--The Northern Frontagere of China. Part 1. The Origines of the Mongols. By H. H. Howorth.-Taedited Arabic Coins. By Stanley Lone Poole.- Notice on the Dinâra of the Abbasside Dynasty. By Edward Thomae Rogers. The Northern Frontagers of Chiaa. Part 11. The Origides of the Manchus. By H. H. Howorth. -Notes on the Old Mongolian Capital of Shangtu. By S. W. Bushell, B.Sc., M.D.-Oriental Proverbs in their Relations to Folklore, History, Sociology; with Suggestiona for their Collection, Interpretation, Publication. By the Rev. J. Long.-Two Old Simhalese loscriptions. The Sahasa Malla Inscription, date 1200 AD., and the Rowsawæli Dagaba Toscriptioa, date 1191 A.n. Text. Tranalation, and Notee. By T. W. Rhys Davide.-Notes on a Bactrian Pali Inscription and the Samvat Era. By Prof. J. Dowaon.--Note on a Jade Drinking Vessel of the Emperor Jabángír. By Edward Thomas, F.R.S. Vol. VIII., Part I., pp. 156, sewed, with three plates and a plan. 88. CONTENTA.- Catalogue of Buddhiet Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Possession of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hodgson Collection). By Profesaor. E. B. Cowell aad J, Eggeling.-On the Ruins of Sigiri in Ceylon. By T. H. Blakesley, Esq., Public Works Department, Ceylon.-The Pâtimokkha, being the Buddhist Office of the Coofession of Pricsts. The Pali Text, with a Translation, and Notee. By J F. Dicksca, M.A.. sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Servioe.-Notea on the Sinbalesc Language. No. 2. Proofa of the Sanskritic Origio of Siahalese. By R. C. Childere, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. Vol. VIII., Part II., pp. 157-308, sewed. 88. CONTENTS.-An Account of the Island of Bali By R. Friederich.-The Pali Text of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta and Commentary, with a Translation. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. The Northern Frontagers of China Part 111. The Kara Khitai. By H. H. Howorth.-Inedited Arabic Coinc. II. By Stanley Lane Poole. On the Form of Goverament under the Native Sovereigns of Ceylon. By A. de Silva Ekanayaka, Mudaliyar of the Department of Public Tastruction, Ceylon. Asiatic Society -TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Complete in 3 vols. 4to., 80 Plates of Facsimiles, etc., cloth. London, 1827 to 1835. Published at £9 58. : reduced to £5 58. The above containe contributions by Profeasor Wilson, G. C. Haughton, Davis, Morrison, Colebrooke, Humboldt, Dorn, Grotefend, and other eminent Oriental echolara. Asiatic Society of Bengal.--JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Edited by the Honorary Secretaries. 8vo. 8 numbers per annum. 48. each number. Asiatic Society of Bengal, --PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Published Monthly. 18. each number,


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