Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ Linguistic Publications of Trübner f. Co., Part II. A Complete Grammar of the Colloquial Dialect. Part III. On the Grammatical Dialect used in Booka. By A. H. ARDEN, M.A., Missionary of the C, M. S. Maaulipatam. 8vo. sewed, pp. xiv. and 380. 148. Arnold. -THE ILIAD AND ODYSSEY OF INDIA. By EDWIN ARNOLD, M.A., F.R.G.S., etc. Fcap. 8vo. ad., pp. 24. 18. Arnold.—THE INDIAN SONG OF Sonos. From the Sanskrit of the Gila Govinda of Jayadeva. By Edwin ARNOLD, M.A., F.R.G.S. (of University College, Oxford), formerly Principal of Poona College, and Fellow of the University of Bombay. Cr. 8vo. cl., pp. xvi. and 144. 1875. 58. Asher.-ON THE STUDY OF MODERN LANGUAGES IN GENERAL, and of the English Language in particular. Aa Essay. By DAVID ASHER, Ph.D. 12mo. pp. vii. and 80, cloth. 28. Asiatic Society. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, from the Commencement to 1863. Firat Series, complete in 20 Vols. 8vo., with many Plates. Price £10; or, in Single Numbers, as follows:Nos. 1 to 14, 6s. each; No. 16, 2 Parts, 48. each ; No. 16, 2 Parts, 48. each; No. 17, 2 Parts, 48, each, No. 18, 68. These 18 Numbera form Vols. I. to IX.-Vol. X., Part 1, op.; Part 2, 58.; Part 3, 58.—Vol. XI., Part 1, 68.; Part 2 not published. — Vol. XII., 2 Parts, 68. each - Vol. XIII., 2 Parts, 68. each.-Vol. XIV., Part 1, 58.; Part 2 not publishsd. Vol. XV. Part 1, 68.; Part 2, with 3 Maps, £2 28.— Vol. XVI., 2 Parts, 68. each-Vol. XVII., 2 Parts, 68. each. Vol. XVIII., 2 Parts, 68. each.-Vol. XIX., Parts 1 to 4, 168.-Vol. XX., Parts 1 and 2, 48. each. Part 3, 78. 6d. Asiatic Society.-JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. New Series. Vol. I. In Two Parts. pp. iv. and 490, sewed. 168. CONTENTS -I. Vajrs-chhedika, the "Kin Kong King," or Diamond Suéra. Translated from the Chinese by the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain, R.N.-II. The P&rsmitá-bridaya Sutra, or, in Chinese, "Mo ho-p8-ye-po-lo-mih-to-ain-king," 1.8. “The Great Paramita Heart Sátra." Translated from the Chinese by the Rev. 8. Besl, Chaplain, R.N.-III. On the Prescrvation of National Literature in the East. By Colonel F. J. Goldamid.-IV. On the Agricultural, Commercial, Financial, and Military Statistics of Ceylon. By E. R. Power, Esq.-V. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Vedic Theogony and Mythology. By J. Muir, D.C.L., LL.D.--VI. A Tabular List of Original Worka and Tranalations, publiahed by the late Dutch Government of Ceylon at their Printing Preas st Colombo. Compiled by Mr. Mst. P.J. Ondaatjc, of Colombo.-VII. Assyrian and Hebrew Chronology oompared, with a view of showing the extent to which the Hebrew Chronology of Uasber must be modified, in conformity with the Asayrian Canon. By J. W. Bosanqnet, Esq.Vill. On the existing Dictionaries of the Malay Langnsge. By Dr. H. N. van der Tunk.--IX. Bilingual Resdinge : Cuneiform and Phænician. Notes on some Tablets in the British Museum, contsining Bilingual Legends (A sa yrian and Phoenician). By Major-General Sir H. Rawlinson, K.C.B., Director R.A.S.-X. Translatious of Three Copper-plate Inscriptiona of the Fonrth Century A.D., and Notices of the Châlnkya and Gurjjara Dynasties By Profesaor J. Dowaon, Staff College, Sandburet.-XI. Yama and the Doctrine of a Future Life, according to the Rig-Ysjur-, and Atharva-Vedss. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.-XII. On the Jyotiaha Observation of the Plsce of the Colurea, and the Date derivable from it. By Willism D. Whitney, Esq., Professor of Sanskrit in Yale College, New Haven, U.S.-Note on the preceding Article. By Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bart., M.P., President R.A.S.-XIII. Progress of the Vedic Religion towarda Abstract Conceptions of the Deity. By J. Muir, Esq., Ď.C.L., LL.D.-XIV. Brief Notes on the Age and Authenticity of the Work of Aryabbata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Bhsttotpala, aud Bhaskaracharys. By Dr. Bhau Dāji, H000rsry Member R.A.S. --XV. Ontlines of a Grammar of the Malagasy Language: By H. N. Van der Tuuk.-XVI. On the Identity of Xandramea and Krananda. By Edward Thomaa, Eaq. Vol. II. la Two Parts. pp. 522, sewed. 168. CONTENTA.-I. Contribution to a Knowledge of Vedic Theogony and Mythology. No. 2. By J. Muir, Esq.-II. Miscellaneous Hymns from the Rig- and Atharvs-Vedae. By J. Muir, E&.Ill. Five hundred questions on the Social Condition of the Natives of Bengal. By the Rev. J. Long.-IV. Short account of the Malay Manuscripts belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society. By Dr. H. N. van der Touk.-V. Tranalation of the Amitabha Satra from the Chinese. By the Rev. 8. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy.-VI. The initial coinage of Bengal. By Edward Thomas, Esq.-VII. Specimena of an Assyrian Dictionary. By Edwin Norris, Esq.-VIII. On the Relations of the Prieste to the other classes of Indian Society in the Vedic sge By J. Muir, Eag. IX. On the Interpretation of the Veda. By the same.-X. An attempt to Tranalata from the Chinese a work known as the Confesional Services of the great compstaionato Kwan Yin, possessing 1000 hands and 1000 eyes. By the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy. -X1. The Hymns of the Gaupiyanas and the Legend of King Abamäti. By Professor Max Müller, M.A., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society.-XII. Specimen Chapters of an Assyrian Grammar. By the Rev. E.Hincka, D.D., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society.


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