Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 19 and other Poems from the first Early English Text Society's Publications-continued. 11. THE MONARCHE, and other Poems of Sir David Lyndesay. Edited from the first edition by JOHNE SKOTT, in 1552, by FITZBAWARD HALL, Esq., D.C.L. Part I. 38. 12. THE WRIGHT'S CHASTE WIFE, a Merry Tale, by Adam of Cobsam (about 1462 A.D.), from the uoique Lambeth MS. 306. Edited for the first time by F.J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A. 18. 13. SEINTE MARHERETE, þE MEIDEN ANT MARTYR. Three Texts of ab. 1200, 1310, 1330 A.D. First edited in 1862, by the Rev. OSWALD COCKAYNE, M.A., and now re-issued. 28. 14. KYNG HORN, with fragments of Floriz and Blauncheflur, and the Assumption of the Bleased Virgia. Edited from the MSS. in the Library of the University of Cambridge and the British Museum, by the Rev. J. RAWSON LUMBY. 38. 6d. 15. POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND LOVE POEMS, from the Lambeth MS. No. 306, and other sources. Edited by F.J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A. 7s.6d. 16. A TRETICE IN ENGLISH breuely drawe out of 5 book of Quintis essencijs in Latyns þ Hermys prophete and king of Egipt after þ flood of Noe, fader of Philosopbris, hadde by reuelacioun of an aungil of God to him gente. Edited from the Sloane MS. 73, by F.J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A. 18. 17. PARALLEL EXTRACTS from 29 Manuscripts of PIERS PLOWMAN, with Commeats, and a Proposal for the Society'a Three-text edition of this Poem. By the Rev. W. SKEAT, M.A. 18. 18. HALI MEIDENHEAD, about 1200 A.D. Edited for the first time from the MS. (with a translation) by the Rev. OSWALD COCKAYNE, M.A. 18. 19. THE MONARCHE, and other Poems of Sir David Lyndesay. Part II., the Complayot of the King's Papingo, and other minor Poema. Edited from the First Edition by F. HALL, Esq., D.C.L. 3s. 6d. 20. SOME TREATISES BY RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE, Edited from Robert of Thornton's MS. (ab. 1440 A.D.), by Rev. GEORGE G.PERRY, M.A. 1s. 21. MERLIN, OR THE EARLY HISTORY OF KING ARTHUR. Part II. Edited by HENRY B. WHEATLEY, Esq. 4s. 22. THE ROMANS OF PARTENAY, OR LUSIGNEN. Edited for the first time from the unique MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, by the Rev. W. W. SEEAT. M.A. 68. 23. DAN MICHEL'S AYENBITE OF INWYT, or Remorse of Conscience, in the Kentish dialect, 1340 A.D. Edited from the unique MS. in the British Museum, by RICHARD MORRIS, Esq. 108. 6d. 24. HYMNS OF THE VIRGIN AND CHRIST; THE PARLIAMENT OF DEVILS. and Other Religious Poems. Edited from the Lambeth MS. 853, by F. J. FURNIVALL, M.A. Ss. 25. THE STACIONS OF ROME, and the Pilgrim's Sea-Voyage and Sea Sicknesa, with Clene Maydenhod. Edited from the Vernon and Porkington MSS., etc., by F.J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A. ls. 26. RELIGIOUS PIECES IN PROSE AND VERSE. Containing Dan Jon Gaytrigg'a Sermon; The Abbaye of S. Spirit; Sayne Jon, and other pieces in the Northern Dialect. Edited from Robert of Thorntone'a MS. (ab. 1460 A.D.), by the Rev. G. PERRY, M.A. 2s. 27. MANIPULUS VOCABULORUM: a Rhyming Dictionary of the English Language, by PETER LEVINS (1570). Edited, with an Alphabetical Index, by HENRY B. WHEATLEY. 12s. 28. THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PERS PLOWMAN, together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet et Dobest. 1362 A.D., by WILLIAM LANGLAND. The earliest or Vernon Text; Text A. Edited from the Vernon MS., with full Collations, by Rev. W. W. SEBAT, M.A. 7s.


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