Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Vol. IV. Comparison of the Vedic with the later representations of the principal Indian Deitiea. Second Edition Revised. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 524, cloth. 1873. 21s. Vol. V. Contributiona to a Knowledge of the Cosmogony, Mythology, Religious Ideaa, Life and Manners of the Indians in the Vedic Age. 8vo. pp. xvi. 492, cloth, 1870. 21s. Müller.—THE SACRED HYMNS OF THE BRAHMINS, as preserved to us in the oldest collection of religions poetry, the Rig Veda-Sanhita, translated and explained. By F, Max MÜLLER, M.A., Fellow of All Souls' College ; Profeasor of Comparative Pbiiology at Oxford, Foreign Member of the Institute of France, etc., etc. Volume I. 8vo. pp. clii. and 264. 128. 60. Müller.-TAE HYMNS OF THE RIG-VEDA, in Samhita and Pada Texts, without the Commentary of Sâyana. Edited by Prof. Max MÜLLER. In 2 vola. 8vo. pp. 1704, paper. £3 38. Müller.—LECTURE ON BUDDHIST NIHILISM. By F. MAX MÜLLER, M.A., Professor of Comparative Philology in the University of Oxford; Member of the French Institute, etc. Delivered before the General Meeting of the Association of German Philologista, at Kiel, 28th September, 1869. (Translated from the German.) Sewed. 1869. ls. Nagananda; OR THE JOY OF THE SNAKE-WORLD. A Buddhist Drama in Five Acta. Tranalated into English Prose, with Explanatory Notes, from the Sanskrit of Sri-Harsha-Deva. By PALMER BOYD, B.A., Sanskrit Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. With an Introduction by Professor CoweLL. Crown 8vo., pp. xvi. and 100, cloth. 48. 6d. Naradiya Dharma Sastram; OR, THE INSTITUTES OF NARADA. Trans lated for the First Time from the uupublished Sanskrit original. By Dr. JULIUS JOLLY, University, Wurzburg. With a Preface, Notea chiefly critical, an Index of Quotations from Narada in the principal Indian Digeats, and a general Index. Crown 8vo., pp. xxxv. 144, cloth. 108. 6d. Newman.-A DICTIONARY OF MODERN ARABIC -1. Anglo-Arabic Dictionary. 2. Anglo-Arabic Vocabulary. 3. Arabo-English Dictionary. By F. W. NEWMAN, Emeritaa Professor of University College, London. In 2 vola, crown 8vo., pp. xvi. add 376 - 464, cloth. £1 18. Newman.—A HANDBOOK OF MODERN ARABIC, consisting of a Practical Grammar, with numerous Examples, Dialogues, and Newspaper Extracts, in a European Type. By F. W. NEWMAN, Emeritus Professor of Univeraity College, London ; formerly Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. Poat 8vo. pp. xx. and 192, cloth. London, 1866. 6s. Newman.—THE TEXT OF THE IGUVINE INSCRIFTIONS, with interlinear Latin Translation and Notea. By FRANCIS W. NEWMAN, late Professor of Latin at University College, London. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 54, aewed. 2s. Newman.--ORTHOËPY: or, a simple mode of Accepting English, for the advantage of Foreigners and of all Learners. By FRANCIS W. NewMAN, Emeritna Professor of University College, London. 8vo. pp. 28, sewed. 1869. 18. Nodal.-- ELEMENTOS DE GRAMÁTICA QUICHUA 6 IDIOMA DE LOS YNCAS. Bajo loa Auspicios de la Redentora, Sociedad de Filantropos para mejorar la suerte de los Aboríjenea Peruanos. Por el Dr. Jose FERNANDEZ NODAL, Abogado de los Tribunalea de Justicia de la República del Perú. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 441. Appendix, pp. 9. $1 ls. Nodal.- Los VINCULOS DE OLLANTA Y CUBI-KCUYLLOR. DRAMA EN QUICHUA. Obra Compilada y Espurgada con la Version Castellana al Frente de su Testo por el Dr. José FERNANDEZ NODAL, Abogado de los Tribunales de Justicia de la República del Perú. Bajo 'los Anapicios de la Redentora Sociedad de Filantropos para Mejoror la Suerte de los Aboríjenes Peruanos. Roy. 8vo. bds. pp. 70. 1874. 7s. 6d.


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