Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 17 Linguistic Publications of Trübner for Co., Chaucer Society's Publications--continued. Poems for the Chaucer Society (with a try to set Chancer's Works in their right order of Time). By FREOK, J. FURNIVALL. Part 1. (This Part brings out, for the first time, Chsucer's long esrly but hopelesa love ) 1872. First Series. XXV. Chaucer's Tale of Melibe, the Monk's, Nun'a Priest's, Doctor'a, Par doner's, Wife of Bath's, Friar's, and Summoner's Tsles, in 6 parallel Texts from the MSS. above named, and with the remsining 13 coloured drawings of Tellers of Tsles, after the originals in the Ellesmere MS. XXVI. The Wife's, Frisr's, and Summoner's Tsles, from the Ellesmere MS., with 9 woodcuts of Tale-Tellers. (Psrt lv.) XXVII. The Wife's, Friar's, Summoner's, Monk's, and Nun's Prieat's Tales, from the Hengwrt MS, with 23 woodcuts of the Tellers of the Tales. (Part III.) XXVIII. The Wife's, Friar's, and Summoner's Tales, from the Cambridge MS., with 9 woodcuta of Tsle-Tellers. (Part IV.) XXIX. A Treatise on the Astrolabe; otherwiae called Bred and Mylk for Children, addreased to his Son Lowya by Geoffrey Chsucer. Edited by the Rev. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. 1872. Second Series. 7. ORIGINALS AND ANALOGUES of some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I. l. The origins of the Msn of Law's Tale of Constance, from the French Chronicle of Nicholss Trivet, Arundel MS. 56, ab. 1340 A.D., collsted with the lster copy, ab. 1400, in the National Library at Stockholm; copied and edited with strnslation, by Mr. EDMUND BROCK. 2. The Tale of “Merelsus the Emperor," from the Esrly-English version of the Gesta Romanorum in Harl. MS. 7333; and 3. Part of Matthew Paris's Vita Offee Primi, hoth stories, illustrating incidents in the Man of Law's Tsle. 4. Two French Fabliaux like the Reeve's Tale. 5. Two Lstin Stories like the Friar's Tale. 1873. First Series. XXX. The Six-Text Canterbury Talea, Part V., containing the Clerk'a and Merchant's Tsles. 1873. Second Series. 8. Albertano of Brescia's Liber Consilii et Consolationis, A.D. 1246 (the Latin source of the French original of Chancer's Melibe), edited from the MSS. by Dr. Thor SUNDBY. 1874. First Series. XXXI. The Six-Text, Part VI., containing the Squire'a snd Franklin's Tales. XXXII. to XXXVI. Large Parts of the separate isaues of the Six MSS. 1874. Second Series. 9. Essays on Chaucer, his Words and Works, Part II.: S. John of Hoveden's Practica Chilindri, edited from the MS, with a translation, by Mr. E. BROCK. 4. Chaucer's use of the final -e, by JOSEPH PAYNE, Esq. 5. Mra. E. Barrett-Browning on Chaucer : being those parts of her review of the Book of the Poets, 1842, which relate to him ; here reprinted by leave of Mr. Robert Browning. 6. Professor Bernhard Ten-Brink's critical edition of Chaucer'a Compleynte to Pite. 1875. First Series. XXXVII. The Six-Text, Part VII., the Second Nun's, Canon's-Yeoman's, snd Manciple's Tsles, with the Blank-Parson Link. XXXVIII. to XLIII. Large Parts of the sepsrate iasues of the Six MSS. bringing all up to the Parson's Tale.


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