Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Asiatic Society (Bombay Branch).-THE JOURNAL OF THE BOMBAY BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. Edited by the Secretary. Nos. 1 to 33. 78. 6d. each number. 5 Asiatic Society.-JOURNAL OF THE CEYLON BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. 8vo. Published irregularly. 78. 6d. each part. Asiatic Society of Japan.-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Vol. I. From 30th October, 1872, to 9th October, 1873. 8vo. pp. 110, with plates. 1874. Vol. II. From 22nd October, 1873, to 15th July, 1874. 8vo. pp. 249. 1874. Vol. III. Part I. From 16th July, 1874, to December, 1874, 1875. Vol. III. Part II. From 13th January, 1875, to 30th June, 1875. Each Part 78. 6d. Asiatic Society (North China Branch).-JOURNAL OF THE NORTH CHINA BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. New Series. Parts I to 8. Each part 7s. 6d. Aston. A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE SPOKEN LANGUAGE. By W. G. ASTON, M.A., Interpreter and Translator, H. B. M.'s Legation, Yedo, Japan. Third edition. 12mo: cloth, pp. 96. 12s. Atharva Veda Prátiçákhya.-See under WHITNEY. Auctores Sanscriti. Edited for the Sanskrit Text Society, under the supervision of THEODOR GOLDSTÜCKER. Vol. I., containing the JaiminiyaNyâya-Mâlâ-Vistara. Parts I. to V., pp. 1 to 400, large 4to. sewed. 10s. each part. Axon.-THE LITERATURE OF THE LANCASHIRE DIALECT. A Bibliographical Essay. By WILLIAM E. A. AXON, F.R.S.L. Feap. 8vo. sewed. 1870. Is. Baba-AN ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE, with Easy Progressive Exercises. By TATUI BABA. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 92. 58. Bachmaier.-PASIGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR. By ANTON BACHMAIER, President of the Central Pasigraphical Society at Munich. 18o. cloth, pp. viii. ; 26; 160. 1870. 38. Bachmaier.-PASIGRAPHISCHES WÖRTERBUCH ZUM GERRAUCHE FÜR DIE DEUTSCHE SPRACHE. Verfasst von ANTON BACHMAIER, Vorsitzendem des Central-Vereins für Pasigraphie in München. 18mo. cloth, pp. viii. ; 32; 128; 120. 1870. 2s. 6d Bachmaier.- DICTIONNAIRE PASIGRAPHIQUE, PRÉCEDÉ DE LA GRAMMAIRE. Redigé par ANTOINE BACHMAIER, Président de la Société Centrale de Pasigraphie à Munich. 18mo. cloth, pp. vi. 26; 168; 150. 1870. 2s. 6d. Ballad Society's Publications. Subscriptions Small paper, one guinea, and large paper, three guineas, per annum. 1868. 1. BALLADS AND POEMS FROM MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. I. Part I. On the Condition of England in the Reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. (including the state of the Clergy, Monks, and Friars), contains (besides a long Introduction) the following poems, etc. Now a Dayes, ab. 1520 A.D.; Vox Populi Vox Dei, A.D. 1547-8; The Ruyn' of a Ream'; The Image of Ypocresye, A.D. 1533; Against the Blaspheming English Lutherans and the Poisonous Dragon Luther; The Spoiling of the Abbeys; The Overthrowe of the Abbeys, a Tale of Robin Hoode; De Monasteriis Dirutis. Edited by F. J. FURNIVALL, M.A. 8vo. 2. BALLADS FROM MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. II. Part I. The Poore Mans Pittance. By RICHARD WILLIAMS. Contayninge three severall subjects:(1.) The firste, the fall and complaynte of Anthonie Babington, whoe, with others, weare executed for highe treason in the feildes nere lyncolns Inne, in the yeare of our lorde-1586. (2.) The seconde contaynes the life and Deathe of Roberte, lordc Deverox, Earle of Essex: whoe was beheaded in the towre of london on ash-wensdaye mornynge, Anno-1601. (3.) The


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