Kutrika The three worlds, viz., Kāraṇa Cause; reason.
the upper world, the lower
world and the middle world. Kärunya Compassion.
Kutrikāpaņa A shop from Kārmaņa Karmic body etc.
which any of the articles Kārmiki Same as Karmajā.
produced in the three worlds Kārya Effect.
can be purchased. Kāla Time, the auxiliary Kudarśana Wrong belief, false cause of change; death. faith. Kālacakra Cycle of time Kudsșți One who possesses a consisting of six ascending false faith, a heretic. and six descending eras. Kudharma A heretical creed. Kalamāsa Time of death. Kupya Utensils, furniture, Kālika A canonical text which clothes etc. can be studied at the first and Kupravacana A heretical the last of the four divisions scripture. of a day as well as of a night. Kubja Hump-backed. Kālusya Sinfulness.
Kumāraśramaņa One who has Kimicchaka Accepting alms taken initiation as bachelor, an after asking such questions as unmarried ascetic. "Have you got this? Have you Kumbhi The birth-place of got that?" etc.
infernal beings. Kilvişa Deceit.
Kuruka Deceit Kilikasaṁhanana A weak Kurūpa Deluding karma. joining of the body in which
Kula A group of the disciples the bones are merely pressed
of the same preceptor. together and nailed.
Kulaka Same as Kudava. Kukși A measure equal to two
Kulakara Governor. cubits.
Kulapati The head of a group Kudava A weight equal to
of ascetics. four Setikās.
Kulinga Garments worn by Kutirthika A heretic.
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