which the lay-votary does not a moment for its performance. ask his servant to do any Bahuśruta One versed in work.
many scriptures, a very learned Preşyaprayoga Sending a person. servant outside the prescribed Bādara Gross. sphere.
Bādarakāya A gross-bodied Proșadha Identical with being. Poşadha.
Bādaranāman A kind of body
making karma which causes Bakuša An ascetic who cares gross body. for the adornment of his body Badarasamparāya One in and implements and whose whom passions occur in a gross mind is spotted by infatuation, form. a spotted ascetic.
Bālatapas An ignorant Baddhasprșța Closely practice of penance, childish touched.
penance. Bandha Bondage of karmas; Bālapandita A lay-votary, one binding.
with partial renunciation. Bandhana Binding, bondage. Bālamarana Foolish death, Baladeva The elder brother childish death. of a Vasudeva.
Bāhalya Thickness. Balabhadra Same as Bāhyatapas External austerity, Baladeva.
physical penance. Bahirātman Exterior self. Bāhyopadhi External Bahirmukha Extrovert. belongings. Bahirvyāpti External Bijabuddhi One having concomitance.
intellect like a seed which leads Rahubiiaka Having him to many meanings from a numerous seeds.
word having one meaning. Bahurata A doctrine which Bījaruci Right belief brought holds that an act takes many about by hearing a word.
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