Mārdava Modesty, mildness. emancipation. Mālāpahrta Brought down Mukhapotikā Same as from an upper storey.
Mukhavastrikā. Māsakalpa A rule that an Mukhavastrikā A piece of ascetic should not stay at a cloth to cover the mouth. place for more than a month Mukhavāsa Anything to scent except in the rainy season. the mouth. Māsakşamaņa Fasting for a Mukhānantaka Same as month.
Mukhavastrikā. Masaguru A fast.
Mundakevalin An ordinary Māsalaghu A half fast. omniscient person. Māsikabhakta Fasting for a Mudhā Non-attachment. month.
Muni An ascetic. Mithyākāra Repentance. Musala A measure equal to Mithyātva Delusion, wrong four cubits. or false belief,
Muhurta A period equal to Mithyātvamohanīya A kind seventy-seven Lavas, i.e., of belief-deluding karma forty-eight minutes. which produces complete Mürcchã Attachment. wrong belief.
Müla Root; reordainment in Mithyādarśana Wrong or monkhood. false belief, delusion.
Mülakarman Securing food Mithyādrsti One who by causing abortion etc. possesses wrong belief.
Mülaguņa A fundamental or Miśrajāta A fault incurred by primary duty, a basic virtue. an ascetic by accepting food ML
Mülapraksti A fundamental prepared for both the ascetic
type of karma, a basic division and the householder.
of karma. Mukta
Mülabīja A kind of vegetation emancipated.
whose roots serve as seeds. Mukti Liberation,
Mülavrata A fundamental or
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