Gucchaka A kind of brush to Guru A preceptor. remove dust or insects from Gurukula A group of ascetics body etc.
under one preceptor. Guñjā A weight equal to two Gurunāman A variety of grains.
body-making karma by the rise Guņa A quality, an attribute; of which a soul gets heavy a virtue, a merit; a vow; a body. degree; a thread; multi- Gurumāsa Same as plication.
Māsaguru. Gunaratna A kind of penance Gurulaghu Heavy and light. lasting for sixteen months in
Gurusparśa Heavy touch. which one fasts for a day in the first month, for two days Grdhraprştha Death caused by in the second and so on for the piercing of the beaks of sixteen days in the sixteenth vultures etc. month.
Grhītārtha One who has Guņaviramana Identical with accepted the path of salvation. Guņavrata.
Gocara Begging of alms. Guņavrddhi Increasing of a Gocarī Alms. degree.
Gocchaka Same as Gucchaka. Guņavrata A supplementary Gotrakarman A kind of karma vow to strengthen the causing heredity, heredityfundamental vows of a lay- determining karma. votary.
Gomūtrikā A motion with Gunasthāna A stage of three curves. spiritual development, a state Grantha Knot of karmas; of virtues.
external and internal Gunahāni Decreasing of a possessions. degree.
Granthi A knot in the form of Guņideśa The residence of a attachment and aversion. substance.
Granthibheda Cutting of the Gupti Self-control.
intense Granthi.
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