Jaina Perspective in Philosophy and Religion
controversy and is regarded as an actual and demonstrable occurrence'l. Myers' two volumes on 'Human Personality' are the Magnum opus and something of a Bible in the tradition of Psychical Research which have also been included in the examination for fellowship in mental and Moral Philosophy in Trinty College, Dublin. Not only this, centres of Research in para-psychology have been established in the Department of Biophysics at the University of Pittsburgh, a chair of para-psychology at the University of Utrecht besides large scale experiments at Duke University.
Literally, Clairvoyance means 'clear seeing and telepathy means “far-feeling'. Telesthesia is an alternative word for Clairvoyance. Tischner agrees with Myers that telepatlıy is "the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another independently of the recognised channels of sense."? “Wireless telepathy and the X-rays suggest themselves very strongly as analogous to telepathy and Clairvoyance."$ Philosophers like Hegel, Schellingt, Fichte, Von Hartmann spoke of telepathy and Clairvoyance as 'accepted facts'. Distinguished physicists like Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes and Sir William Barrett, psychologists like William James, Heymans, Rhine, Pratt, Murphy, Price, Ryzl, Zorab, Thouless, Nandor Fodor etc., are the pioneers in the experiment of psychical research. Prof. Charles Richet, after years of devoted research in this field says that “Cryptesthesia, telekinsis, ectoplasm and premonition seem to be founded on granite; that is to say, on hundreds of exact observations and hundreds of vigorous experiments."'S Alexis
1. Rhine, J. B. H. : Extra-Sensory-Perception, Faber &
Faber, London, 1934. 2. Tischner, R. ; Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid. 5. Richet, C. : Ibid.
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