to a more developed life form, which is either the samanaska-subhuman being or human being; and they cannot transmigrate to a celestial birth-species in their very next birth.
Infernal beings are in hell to bear the fruits of their past karma; therefore, their karmic load decreases with time. The life-form of infernal beings is more developed than the life-form of the fsas beings, because the former have vital power of mind and the latter do not. The karmic load at the age-bonding moment of a living being to transmigrate in the next life to the infernal birth-species should, therefore, be less than or equal to Ks. In other words, the karmic load of a living being in the infernal birth-species cannot be greater than Krs; hence an infernal being cannot transmigrate in the next life to the amanaska birth-species. It should be noted that the minimum karmic load to take birth in the fsas birth species is freater than Ks. The lifeform of infernal beings is less developed than the life-form of human beings; the minimum karmic load at the age bonding moment of a living being to take birth in the next life as an infernal being, denoted by KM, Should be greater than Ky, i.e. KH>Ky. It may be mentioned that infernal beings are capable to rise only up to the fourth spiritual stage30. Infernal beings cannot transmigrate to the celestial birth-species, because of a rule that a living being cannot acquire protean body in succession. It implies that celestial beings also cannot transmigrate to the infernal birth-species and infernal and celestial beings cannot be born in the same birth-species in the next birth. Infernal beings, therefore, transmigrate only to human or samanaska-subhuman birthspecies. As shown in Figure 2 and Table 2, they transmigrate in the next life to the samanaska-subhuman birth-species if KSKSK, and the human birth-species ifK SK<Ky, where K, is the minimum value of the karmic load of a living being in the fourth spiritual stage.
KARMIC LOAD Figure 2. Transmigration from the infernal birth-species.
Table 2. Possible birth species in the next life for the