transmigrate in their next life to a more developed life from.
Amanaska-subhuman beings are not judicious and do not have the discretion to choose between good and evil actions as they do not have a mind and therefore are not responsible for their karmic load. Their karmic load always must decreases with time; otherwise they would never be able to escape from the cycle of transmigration. In other words, the increase in their karmic load due to the attachment of new karma of their new actions is less than the decrease in the karmic load due to the detachment of the old karma of their past actions. As a result, they always transmigrate to a more developed life-form in their next life. They transmigrate to a life-form with either the same number of vital powers of increased potency or one more vital power. For example, a two-sensed-subhuman being will be born as either a twosensed-subhuman being with increased potency of vital powers or a three-sensed-subhuman being.
Nigoda beings have only one sense and innumerable souls of nigoda beings share one gross body. The karmic body of the nigoda beings carries such a large quantity of the karmic load that decreases with time at an infinitesimal small rate so that only a finite number of nigoda beings advances to the next developed life-from of a onesensed beings with only one soul in each gross body, termed onesensed-subhuman being.
The karmic load, K, of an amanaska-subhuman being at the age-bonding moment determines the birth-species in its next life, as shown in Table I and Figure1.
Table 1. Possible birth species in the next life for the given amanaska-subhuman birth-species in the present life.
Present Birth-species
Next Birth-species
Nigoda if k,<K<K; One-sensed subhuman if K,<K<K, One-sensed subhuman if K,<K<K1; Two-sensed subhuman if K,≤K<K,
One-sensed subhuman