Dr. Anupam Jash: Historical Development of Jaina Epistemology and Logic 61
shape2. In this council the canons were written down according to version of Mathura Council. Thus Vallabhi Council, according to Herman Jacobi, was a landmark in the history of Jaina canonical literature as it determined the definite and final shape of Jaina Agamas in book form3.
Epistemology in the Agama period:
In the agama period the idea of knowledge stands, as one of the constituents of the way of salvation. The description of five types of knowledge stands as the spiritual powers manifested gradually as the self aspires for higher and higher reality. L. C. Shastri remarks1 in this context that, knowledge in this period is not valued on the merit of epistemological and logical validity but as a means for the spiritual development and ethical progress. Jñāna (knowledge) is one of the constituents of the path towards the attainment of moksa
The first half of Acārānga Sūtra (i. 5. 5. 5) contains a significant remark expressing the identity between the cognizer and the cognitions. In the Bhagavati Sūtra ( the nature of knowledge have been discussed. In the Sthānānga Sūtra (321), the term pramāṇa, and its various distinction have been explained'. The Bhagavati and the Sthānanga clearly express the five types of knowledge with its divisions. Uttarādhyana Sūtra also enumerates the five types of knowledge. In Rajapraśniya (165) we see that Kesi Kumāra, a follower of Pārsvanatha explains five types of knowledge to King Paesi (Pradesi). Nandi Sūtra is fully devoted to the theory of knowledge. Daśavaikālika Sutra Niryūkti discusses the ten avayava of syllogism and the different types of debates which are very important in the history of Indian logic. Avasyaka Sūtra Niryūkti provides a valuable material for the study of Jaina epistemology10. The Digambara works like the Saṭkhaṇḍāgama, Kaṣāya Prabhṛta and Mahābandha provide valuable information in this respect. Epistemology in the Philosophical period:
In philosophical period, the idea of knowledge is meant to ascertain relaity. The criteria of validity of knowledge, methods of its