K. G. Sheshadri: The Science of Clouds in Ancient Jain Literature
details on descriptions of clouds [Canto I-II]. In Canto [1.62] it mentions about an artificial cloud although how it was created is not referred
vidyunmālākṛtaparikaro bhāsvadindrāyudhaśrī rudyanmandrastanita subhagaḥ snigdhanilāñjanābhaḥ sighram krtakajalada tvatpayobindupāta prātisnigdhairjanapadavadhūlocanaiḥ piyamānaḥ ||
"O" artificial cloud, you intermingled with diffusion of successive flashes of lightnings possessing lustre of shining Indra's bow, pleasant owing to production of grave thunderings possessing appearance like that of collyrium wetted with oil, drunk by eyes of village women that would be full of affection felt through pleasure enjoyed by them owing to discharge of drops of your water, should proceed hurriedly."
Pampa I, the great Jain poet of 10th c.A.D. belonging to Karnataka,in his Ādi Purāna" [14.97] speaks of bluish clouds. In his Vikramārjunavijaya known as Pampa Bharata's he speaks of various types of clouds like Drona, Mahādrona, Puskala, Avarta and Suvartaka [5.95]. Kumudendu, the author of Kumudendu Rāmāyaṇa19 dated to 13th c. A.D describes clouds resembling herd of elephants with their roar being thunder and lightning [9.87].
'Raṭṭamata', a work on meteorology by Raṭṭa, a Jain poet of Karnataka gives description of clouds shaped like a whisk, pot, elephant, Gopura of Jain temple or like color of moon, crocodile, flower, mountain, peacock and so on (Chapter VIII)20. It is also speaks of clouds that are of colors of white [8.15], golden hued [8.20], reddish, black and blue colors. It also gives several prognostications of clouds of different colors. Other details of Science of Clouds by Jain poets of Karnataka have been discussed recently.21 Thus several Jain texts deal on cloud science.
Detailed description of clouds in ancient texts is so vast that