St I This contains the characterisation of the last Tirthankara Lord Mahavira as an ideal teacher possessed of (1) Excellence of Wisdom, (2) Excellence in freedom from all evils or passions, (3)Excellence of a teacher and (4) Excellence consisting in the fact that he has deserved and received worship from all beings, gods as well as men
St II Of the innumerable qualities of the Master, the one which will engage attention of the author is his yathārthavada, ie, his philosophy which is true to facts, that is to say, the many-sidedness of Truth or Reality
St III The author implores all readers, Jaina as well as nonJaina, to ponder upon the truth of Jaina philosophy which emerges out of the examination of the partial truths of other systems
Criticism of Varleşik System
St IV First, of its doctrine of samanya and viŝeşa The Jaina view on the point is that things are by themselves coordinated with things of their own class and differentiated from things of other classes, and consequently there is no need to assume, as the Vaiseşikas do, the two hypothetical relatives sāmānya and višesa This, besides being a gratultous assumption, according to the Jaina view, involves the absurdity of making two such contradictory things as samanya and viseşa reside in one and the same thing, unless you reconcile them in the Jaina manner by regarding them as two relative aspects only of one and the same thing
St V All things including dipa and ākāśa (generally believed to be anitya and nitya respectively) are subject to the law of syadvāda, that Is to say, a dipa which is regarded as an examplar of anitya things is also nitya and ākāśa which is regarded as a type of nitya things is also anitya