The Vitarāgastotra consists of about 186 verses in praise of the Dispassionate, ie, Mahavira, divided into 20 hymns These twenty hymns are referred to in the Moharāja-parājaya by Yasopala, a contemporary of Hemacandra, as twenty divine pills (divya-gulikās)
Besides Vitarāgastotra, Hemacandra wrote two wellknown Dyātrimsikās, the Ayogavyavacchedıkā and the Anyayogayyavacchedikā, both in praise of Lord Mahavira In the former work he disapproved the allegation that Jainism was wrong and in the latter he countered the claims of other systems to be right
At a later period the Anyayogavyayacchedıkā formed the basis of Mallisena's famous treatise on Jaina philosophy, Svadvādamañjari
These poems, inspite of their philosophical preoccupation, are genuine devotional lyrics pulsating deep with reverence for the Master and at the same time rising to a real poetic magnificence