ગ્રંથસૂચિ (Bibliography)
1. Akalanka, Nyaya Vinischaya,
2. Bhagavati Sutra.
3. Bhargava, Dayanand, Jaina Ethics, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi-7, 1968.
4. Bhattacharya, H., Anekantavada, Sri Jain Atmananda Sabha, Bhavnagar, 1953.
5. Bhattacharya, H. S., Reals in Jaina Metaphysics.
6. Dasgupta, S., A History of Indian Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 1922.
7. Glasenapp, Doctrine of Karma in Jain Philosophy, Bombay, 1942.
8. Gopalan, S., Outlines of Jainism, Wiley Eastem Pvt. Ltd., New-Delhi-49, 1973.
9. Mrs. Guseva, N. R., Jainism, Sindhu Publications Pvt. Ltd, Bombay-1, 1971.
10. Hemachandra, Pramana-mimamsa, ed. Pt. Sukhalalji (Eng. Tran, S. Mookerjee and N. M. Tatia).
11. Hiriyanna, M., Outlines of Indian Philosophy.
George Allen & Unwin London.
Jain Education International
12. Jacobi, H. (Ed.),
Sutras, Pt. I.
13. Jacobi, H., Studies in Jainisin, Ed. by Jina Vijaya Muni, Jaina Sahitya Sanshodhak Karyalaya, Ahmedabad, 1946. 14. Jain, C. R., Fundamentals of Jainism, Veer Nirvan Bharati Meerut, (U. P.).
15. Jain, Padmanabh, The Jaina Path of Purification- Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi-7, 1979.
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