Book Title: JAINA Convention 2003 07 Cincinnati OH
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 133
________________ (3) Chanda-Kaushika Gets a Blessed Life Sangama created a pitiable scene where Yashoda, the Lord's wife when he was a prince, begged of the Wherever Lord Mahavira went, he changed Lord, "Oh Lord, did you marry me to ruin my life? vicious people into good-natured people. Once Lord Kindly take pity on me. Your brother has thrown me Mahavira arrived at a village. The people of the vil out of the palace with humiliating words. Your dear lage used the longer route to visit the hermitage. daughter has also ruined herself by her deep sorrow They avoided the shorter route through the dense for caused by her father's desertion." The picturesque est where a poisonous serpent lived. Lord Mahavira drama did not vibrate the mind of the Lord because chose the shorter route on purpose. Some cowherd he was completely detached from the world. boys warned him of the serpent. They said, "Chandakaushika," the serpent is also known as a Drishti God Sngama changed the scene. A very beautiful Visha sarpa, a serpent who has poison in his very eyes. young damsel with her five maidens began to spread a Just by his mere sight, he burns up the vegetation of net of charm on the Lord. But this had no effect on the jungle and can kill anyone." him. Lord Mahavira had made up his mind to reform Now there was another change in the scene, a the snake and changed his poison to nectar. He came starving and hungry traveler wanted to cook his food. near the hole of the snake and stood in meditation. He wanted to make a hearth to build a fire. He used The snake came out and hissed poison at the Lord, the Lord's feet hearthstones and built the fire, but the but it did not affect him. He rained many poisonous Lord did not move. stings at the Lord, but the Lord did not move. The Then Sangama was so mad with anger, that he snake was ashamed and lost faith in his power to kill. released hundreds of birds that started eating the flesh Finally, the Lord said, "Oh snake! Think and under of the Lord. There was still no effect on the Lord! stand for a moment! Allow your anger to die! In your past life you were a teacher who had a great passion Sangama inflicted another upsarga on the Lord. for anger. Because of your evil deeds in your past life, In this incident the police were trying to catch some you are a snake in this life.” thieves. When the thieves were caught, they pointed at the Lord and said, "He is our Guru. He has taught Through the mercy of Lord Mahavira he gained us to rob." The policemen started beating up the knowledge of his previous misdeeds and repented Lord, but there was no sign of pain visible on the deeply. This changed his mind, and he gave up Lord's face. vicious deeds. In the future, even if someone harassed him, he bore it with peace and suffered all pains until Each upsarga inflicted by Sangama lasted for six he breathed his last. After his death, he took birth in months at a stretch! Now Sangama was confused, surthe eighth heaven. It was all by the mere association prised, and also frightened. He fell at the feet of Lord with Lord Mahavira. Mahavira and asked for pardon. Suddenly, he saw tears in the eyes of Lord Mahavira and asked humbly, (4) A Volley of Upsargas by God Sangama "Oh Lord, are you suffering from inner pain? Why do The gods who live in heaven cannot attain mok- I see tears in your eyes now?” Then Lord answered, sha (salvation), but a man who becomes an ascetic "These tears are not due to my bodily pain; but those through his penance and meditation can attain mok- are the tears of pity for your future. All those who sha. The Lord of Gods Indra praised the unique came in contact with me have conquered their vices. virtues of Lord Mahavira. Hearing this one, God In your case, the scene of your future life is in front of Sangama was burning with jealousy. He thought, me. Because of your misdeeds (karma) you have made "How can a man, a mere statue of bones and skin be a whole mountain of suffering for yourself." worshipped by the Gods of the heaven?" Mrs. Bharati Salgia received her B.A. and B.Ed in English literature Once, Lord Mahavir was meditating in a garden from the University Of Bombay, India and is a teacher by profession. outside the village of Perala. It was a pleasant evening She is former first lady of JAINA, very active in Jain community and when suddenly the wicked Sangama spread his net of has edited, compiled, and translated many articles including children's tortures. There was a fierce storm followed by strong stories. She is a coauthor of a chapter on Jainism published in "Religion in Ohio: Over 200 Years of Experience" a publication of winds and heavy rain. On the happy face of Lord Ohio Bicentennial commission, Religious Experience Advisory Mahavira there was not a sign of despair. Sangama Council transformed his body into different fierce animals, but Lord did not move. 131 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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