-546Nanak, the song-bird, begs for the rain-drop of the Lord's Name; meditating on the Feet of the Lord, Har, Har, he lives. ||2|| Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar from the sacred pool, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. In the Society of the Saints, one meets the Lord; meditating on Him, one's affairs are resolved. God accomplishes everything; He is the Destroyer of pain. Never forget Him from your mind, even for an instant. He is blissful, night and day; He is forever True. All Glories are contained in the Lord in the Universe. Incalculable, lofty and infinite is the Lord and Master. His dwelling is unapproachable. Prays Nanak, my desires are fulfilled; I have met the Lord, the Greatest Lover. || 3 || The fruits of many millions of charitable feasts come to those who listen to and sing the Lord's Praise. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all one's generations are carried across. Chanting the Name of the Lord, the mortal being is beautified; what Praises of His can I chant? I shall never forget the Lord; He is as dear as my breath of life. My mind constantly yearns for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. Auspicious is that day, when God, the lofty, inaccessible and infinite, hugs me close in His embrace. Prays Nanak, everything is fruitful - I have met my supremely beloved Lord God. || 4 || 3 || 6 || BIHAAGRAA, FIFTH MEHL, CHHANT: Why are you imbued with the love of another? That path is very dangerous. You are committing sins - no one is your friend. No one shall be your friend; you shall regret and repent forever. You have not chanted with your tongue the Praises of the Lord of the World; when will these days come again? The leaf, once separated from the branch, shall not join with it again; all alone, it falls on its way to death. Prays Nanak, without the Lord's Name, the soul wanders in suffering forever. || 1 || You are practicing deception secretly, but the Lord, the Knower, knows all. When the Righteous Judge of Dharma reads your account, you shall be squeezed like a sesame seed in the oil-press. For the actions you committed, you shall suffer in pain, O mortal being; you shall be consigned to countless reincarnations. Emotionally attached to Maya, the great enticer, you shall lose this jewel of human life. Except for the Name of the One Lord, you are clever in everything else. Prays Nanak, those who have such pre-ordained destiny are attracted to doubt and emotional attachment. || 2 | No one advocates for the ungrateful person, who is separated from the Lord. The hard-hearted Messengers of Death come and seize him. They seize him, and lead him away, to pay for his evil deeds; he was imbued with Maya, the great enticer. He was not Gurmukh - he did not chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe; and now, the hot irons are put to his chest. He is ruined by sexual desire, anger and egotism; deprived of spiritual wisdom, he comes to regret. Prays Nanak, by his cursed destiny he has gone astray; with his tongue, he does not chant the Name of the Lord. || 3 || Without You, God, no one is our savior and protector. It is Your Nature, Lord, to save the sinners. O Savior of sinners, I have entered Your Sanctuary, O Lord and Master, Compassionate Ocean of Mercy. Please, save me from the deep, dark pit, O Creator, Cherisher of all hearts. I seek Your Sanctuary; please, cut away these heavy bonds, and give me the Support of the One Name.