Book Title: Guru Granth Sahib
Author(s): Singh Sahib Singh Khalsa
Publisher: Singh Sahib Singh Khalsa

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Page 1363
________________ -1362O Lord! Without my Husband, all these adornments are useless. || 3 || Very fortunate is she, within whose home the Husband Lord abides. She is totally adorned and decorated; she is a happy soul-bride. I sleep in peace, without anxiety; the hopes of my mind have been fulfilled. O Lord! When my Husband came into the home of my heart, I obtained everything. Il 4 Il My hope is so intense, that this hope alone should fulfill my hopes. When the True Guru becomes merciful, then I attain the Perfect Lord. My body is filled with so many demerits; I am covered with faults and demerits. O Lord! When the True Guru becomes Merciful, then the mind is held in place. || 5 || Says Nanak, I have meditated on the Lord, Infinite and Endless. This world-ocean is so difficult to cross; the True Guru has carried me across. My comings and goings in reincarnation ended, when I met the Perfect Lord. O Lord! I have obtained the Ambrosial Nectar of the Name of the Lord from the True Guru. | 6 || The lotus is in my hand; in the courtyard of my heart I abide in peace. O my companion, the Jewel is around my neck; beholding it, sorrow is taken away. I abide with the Lord of the World, the Treasury of Total Peace. O Lord! All wealth, spiritual perfection and the nine treasures are in His Hand. || 7 || Those men who go out to enjoy other men's women shall suffer in shame. Those who steal the wealth of others – how can their guilt be concealed? Those who chant the Sacred Praises of the Lord save and redeem all their generations. O Lord! Those who listen and contemplate the Supreme Lord God become pure and holy. || 8 | The sky above looks lovely, and the earth below is beautiful. Lightning flashes in the ten directions; I behold the Face of my Beloved. If I go searching in foreign lands, how can I find my Beloved? O Lord! If such destiny is inscribed upon my forehead, I am absorbed in the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. || 9 || I have seen all places, but none can compare to You. The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has established You; thus You are adorned and embellished. Ramdaspur is prosperous and thickly populated, and incomparably beautiful. O Lord! Bathing in the Sacred Pool of Raam Daas, the residues of sins are washed away, O Nanak. || 10 || The sparrow-hawk is very smart; in its consciousness, it longs for the friendly rain. It longs for that, to which its breath of life is attached. It wanders depressed, from forest to forest, for the sake of a drop of water. O Lord! In just the same way, the humble servant of the Lord begs for the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Nanak is a sacrifice to him. || 11 || The Consciousness of my Friend is incomparably beautiful. Its mystery cannot be known. One who purchases the priceless virtues realizes the essence of reality. When the consciousness is absorbed in the supreme consciousness, great joy and bliss are found. O Lord! When the fickle thieves are overcome, the true wealth is obtained. || 12 II In a dream, I was lifted up; why didn't I grasp the hem of His Robe? Gazing upon the Beautiful Lord relaxing there, my mind was charmed and fascinated. I am searching for His Feet — tell me, where can I find Him? O Lord! Tell me how I can find my Beloved, O my companion. || 13 || The eyes which do not see the Holy — those eyes are miserable. The ears which do not hear the Sound-current of the Naad - those ears might just as well be plugged. The tongue which does not chant the Naam ought to be cut out, bit by bit. O Lord! When the mortal forgets the Lord of the Universe, the Sovereign Lord King, he grows weaker day by day. || 14 || The wings of the bumble bee are caught in the intoxicating fragrant petals of the lotus. With its limbs entangled in the petals, it loses its senses.


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