Book Title: Guru Granth Sahib
Author(s): Singh Sahib Singh Khalsa
Publisher: Singh Sahib Singh Khalsa

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Page 1344
________________ -1343The wandering mind is restrained and held in its place. The True Name is enshrined in the mind. || 4 || The exciting and intoxicating worldly plays come to an end, for those who accept the Guru's Teachings, and become lovingly attuned to the One Lord. Seeing this, the fire in the water is extinguished. They alone realize this, who are blessed by great good fortune. || 5 || Serving the True Guru, doubt is dispelled. Those who are lovingly attuned to the True Lord remain awake and aware night and day. They know the One Lord, and no other. Serving the Giver of peace, they become immaculate. || 6 || Selfless service and intuitive awareness come by reflecting upon the Word of the Shabad. Chanting, intensive meditation and austere selfdiscipline come by subduing the ego. One becomes Jivan-mukta — liberated while yet alive, by listening to the Shabad. Living a truthful way of life, one finds true peace. || 7 || The Giver of peace is the Eradicator of pain. I cannot conceive of serving any other. I place my body, mind and wealth in offering before Him. Says Nanak, I have tasted the supreme, sublime Essence of the Lord. || 8 || 2 || PRABHAATEE, FIRST MEHL: You may perform exercises of inner purification, and fire up the furnace of the Kundalini, inhaling and exhaling and holding the breath. Without the True Guru, you will not understand; deluded by doubt, you shall drown and die. The spiritually blind are filled with filth and pollution; they may wash, but the filth within shall never depart. Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all their actions are useless, like the magician who deceives through illuions. ||1|| The merits of the six religious rituals are obtained through the Immaculate Naam. You, O Lord, are the Ocean of virtue; I am so unworthy. || 1 || Pause 1 Running around chasing the entanglements of Maya is an evil-minded act of corruption. The fool makes a show of his self-conceit; he does not know how to behave. The self-willed manmukh is enticed by his desires for Maya; his words are useless and empty. The ritual cleansings of the sinner are fradulent; his rituals and decorations are useless and empty. || 2 || False is the wisdom of the mind; its actions inspire useless disputes. The false are filled with egotism; they do not obtain the sublime taste of their Lord and Master. Without the Name, whatever else they do is tasteless and insipid. Associating with their enemies, they are plundered and ruined. Their speech is poison, and their lives are useless. || 3 || Do not be deluded by doubt; do not invite your own death. Serve the True Guru, and you shall be at peace forever. Without the True Guru, no one is liberated. They come and go in reincarnation; they die, only to be reborn and die again. Il 4 || This body wanders, caught in the three dispositions. It is afflicted by sorrow and suffering. So serve the One who has no mother or father. Desire and selfishness shall depart from within. || 5 || Wherever I look, I see Him. Without meeting the True Guru, no one is liberated. Enshrine the True One in your heart; this is the most excellent action. All other hypocritical actions and devotions bring only ruin. || 6 || When one is rid of duality, then he realizes the Word of the Shabad. Inside and out, he knows the One Lord. This is the most Excellent Wisdom of the Shabad. Ashes fall on the heads of those who are in duality. || 7 || To praise the Lord through the Guru's Teachings is the most excellent action. In the Society of the Saints, contemplate the Glories of God and His spiritual wisdom. Whoever subdues his mind, knows the state of being dead while yet alive. O Nanak, by His Grace, the Gracious Lord is realized. || 8 || 3 |


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