-637Bless my mind and body with Your Name, O Lord. || Pause || The poisonous Maya has enticed the consciousness, O Siblings of Destiny; through clever tricks, one loses his honor. The True Lord and Master abides in the consciousness, O Siblings of Destiny, if the Guru's spiritual wisdom permeates it. || 2 || Beautiful, beautiful, the Lord is called, O Siblings of Destiny; beautiful, like the deep crimson color of the poppy. If man loves the Lord with detachment, O Siblings of Destiny, he is judged to be true and infallible in the Lord's court and home. || 3 || You are pervading the realms of the underworld and the heavenly skies; Your wisdom and glories are in each and every heart. Meeting with the Guru, one finds peace, O Siblings of Destiny, and pride is dispelled from the mind. || 4 || Scrubbing with water, the body can be cleaned, O Siblings of Destiny, but the body becomes dirty again. Bathing in the supreme essence of spiritual wisdom, O Siblings of Destiny, the mind and body become pure. || 5 || Why worship gods and goddesses, O Siblings of Destiny? What can we ask of them? What can they give us? The stone gods are washed with water, O Siblings of Destiny, but they just sink in the water. || 6 || Without the Guru, the unseen Lord cannot be seen, O Siblings of Destiny; the world is drowning, having lost its honor. Greatness is in the hands of my Lord and Master, O Siblings of Destiny; as He is pleased, He gives. || 7 || That soul-bride, who talks sweetly and speaks the Truth, O Siblings of Destiny, becomes pleasing to her Husband Lord. Pierced by His Love, she abides in Truth, O Siblings of Destiny, deeply imbued with the Lord's Name. || 8 || Everyone calls God his own, O Siblings of Destiny, but the all-knowing Lord is known only through the Guru. Those who are pierced by His Love are saved, O Siblings of Destiny; they bear the Insignia of the True Word of the Shabad. || 9 || A large pile of firewood, O Siblings of Destiny, will burn if a small fire is applied. In the same way, if the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells in the heart for a moment, even for an instant, O Siblings of Destiny, then one meets the Lord with ease, O Nanak. || 10 || 4 ||
You always preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Dear Lord; You have protected them from the very beginning of time. You protected Your servant Prahlaad, O Dear Lord, and annihilated Harnaakhash. The Gurmukhs place their faith in the Dear Lord, but the self-willed manmukhs are deluded by doubt. || 1 || O Dear Lord, this is Your Glory. You preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Lord Master; Your devotees seek Your Sanctuary. || Pause | The Messenger of Death cannot touch Your devotees; death cannot even approach them. The Name of the Lord alone abides in their minds; through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they find liberation. Wealth and all the spiritual powers of the Siddhis fall at the feet of the Lord's devotees; they obtain peace and poise from the Guru. || 2 || The self-willed manmukhs have no faith; they are filled with greed and selfinterest. They are not Gurmukh - they do not understand the Word of the Shabad in their hearts; they do not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Their masks of falsehood and hypocrisy shall fall off; the self-willed manmukhs speak with insipid words. || 3 || You are pervading through Your devotees, O Dear God; through Your devotees, You are known.