Book Title: Emperor Vikramaditya Diwakar Chitrakatha 050 051 052
Author(s): Jinottamsuri, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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Beating his forehead Vikram uttered
Matribhatt saw that Vikram was genuinely crying for his mother's death. He placed his hand on Vikram's shoulder and said
Friend! There is
nothing in this world that I loved
more than my mother. Now that she has gone, how would I live...?
Friend! Compose yourself. Don't cry. Your mother is hale and hearty.
Look there.
A gem was lying before Vikram.
Vikram picked up the gem and threw it away. He bunched his biceps and said
Vikram understood everything,
Oh ! yes. This was your trick to make me utter 'Oh God!' and get the gem from the hill.
Friend! These arms
have the power to bring the wealth of heavens on the earth.
Friend! You are, indeed, very brave. One day you are sure
to ascend to the throne of Avanti.
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