Book Title: Emperor Vikramaditya Diwakar Chitrakatha 050 051 052
Author(s): Jinottamsuri, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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EMPEROR VIKRAMADITYA This way who ever took the challenge of On the king's instructions an announcement was catching the thief was robbed by the thief. No. made one could catch the thief. At last the ministers
Citizens of Avanti listen advised the king
carefully. A thief is harassing the Sire ! The thief is, Such person can
whole city. Whoever catches the indeed, very cunning not be controlled
thief and brings before the king will and courageous. He with deceit and
be awarded half the kingdom. possesses some
power. We will have miraculous powers as well.
to employ diplomatic skill.
Dev Kumar said to Kaali
Kaali went and touched the drum. The soldiers presented him before the king. Minister Buddhisagar said
Do you hear, Kaali ? It is now your salvation time. Go touch the drum and present
me before the king.
Misfortune never comes
alone. We are already deep in infamy for our failure to catch the thief, and now a courtesan could become master of half the kingdom....
Compose yourself. Let's first give her a
Dev Kumar explained the plan to Kaali and sent her. Jallieducation International
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