Book Title: Emperor Vikramaditya Diwakar Chitrakatha 050 051 052
Author(s): Jinottamsuri, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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Mama! This is your nephew Shyamal.
Bad news, Mama! You never know what the king may do. He could confiscate. all your wealth and destroy your family.
Jam Education International
Hey Shyamal! When did you return) from pilgrimage? Why your voice seems to have changed?
What should I do, nephew?
Shyamal went to the chief's house with a guard. The guard told the chief's
Nothing that matters. Fatigue of a long travel. But Mama! Why do you appear so sad and dejected. Isn't all well with you?
Mama! In the dark of the night you should hide all your wealth at a safe place.
Nephew! Nothing is well. A sword hangs over my head. Three days have passed and I have yet to catch the thief. In the morning the king will punish me instead of the thief.
Nephew! I am on guard-duty and can't leave. Please go and do this for me.
The chief conveys that you should send all your wealth to some secret place with Shyamal. What happens tomorrow is uncertain?
The chief's wife gave all the valuables, ornaments and cash to Shyamal.
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