Book Title: Emperor Vikramaditya Diwakar Chitrakatha 050 051 052
Author(s): Jinottamsuri, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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Dev Kumar came and told everything to his mother. Getting blessings from King Shalivahan and Sukomala, Dev Kumar left for Avanti alone.
Is your father the king of Avanti? Let's go there at
No, mother! Father has cheated you. I will also. use bluff to meet him. I will see that you meet him with all due honour.
Roaming around, Dev Kumar came to a courtesan named Kaali. He placed a lot of money before her and said,
Kaali ! I need your help and not your body. Just give
me all information about the city and I will make you rich.
Dev Kumar rested during the night and in the morning asked
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At which floor does the royal couple sleep? Tell me how to reach there?
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Enduring all hardships of the journey he arrived at Avanti.
All right, my lord! I will tell you whatever you ask me. You may make yourself at home here.
The royal couple sleeps at the seventh floor. The way to the palace is through the garden.
Dev Kumar collected information from Kaali and started making his plan.