Book Title: Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion
Author(s): Shivkumarmuni
Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publisher's Pvt Ltd New Delhi
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terities (tapas), both external and internal, physical and mental, which are an effective means of samvara as well as nirjarā. The term tapas includes any form of self-discipline which purifies the self and thereby leads to liberation. Tapas or austerity is twofold viz. external austerity and internal austerity. Each of these types of austerity has six sub-types. Thus fasting (anaśana), taking less meal than one's appetite (avaman), selecting the type of diet according to the range of choice or according to time, place or posture (vrttiparisamkhāna), renouncing strong and delicious food etc. (rasaparityāga), living lonely, not sharing bed and seat with women and men (viviktaśayanâsana), and observing physical postures (kāyakleśa) are the six types of external austerity.81 When one duly follows these external austerities, one obtains detachment, lightness of body, control of the senses, protection of asceticism and the shedding of karma.82
Expiation (prāyaścitta), humility (vinaya), respectful service (vaiyavrttya), scriptural study (svādhyāya), abadopment of not-self i.e. mind, body, sense-organs, passions etc. (vyutsarga) and meditation (dhyāna) constitute the six internal austerities. 83 The first prāyaścitta includes self-criticism, self-repentance and both, to accept due punishment, and not to repeat the fault again etc. Vinaya is of four types viz. paying due respect to right faith, knowledge, conduct and to the holy persons possessed of this trinity. Vaiyāvșttya includes due service of ācārya, upādhyāya, tapasvī, diseased and old ascetics, community of monks, an elder monk, a distinguished monk etc. Svādhyāya represepts five-fold study of sacred books, i.e. receiving instruction, asking questions with a desire to know, contemplating on the lines of scripture, reciting or revising scripture and preaching or giving religious sermons. Vyutsarga means renunciation of external and internal attachment 4 Here external attachment is the attachment to wealth, property etc. and internal attachment means emotions and passions etc. In general vyutsarga also means complete abdication of everything for certain time and detachment from what is not-self. DHYĀNA
The sixth category of internal austerity is called dhyāna or con
81. 82. 83.
Tattvārthasūtra, IX. 19; Puruşarthasiddhyupāya, 98. Tattvārthasūtra-bhāş ya, IX. 19. Tattvārthasūtra, IX. 20; Puruşārthasiddhyupāya, 199; 25.7.802. Tattvārthasūtra, IX. 21-26; Vyakhyāprajñapti, 25.7.802.
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