Book Title: Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion
Author(s): Shivkumarmuni
Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publisher's Pvt Ltd New Delhi
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Thus the true guru knows the mysterious power of inner life and he can produce the light within man's heart. Without guru, one cannot get divine knowledge. All the evil passions such as anger, deceit, greed and sensuality are destroyed with the help of true guru and thus final peace is attained. The numberless sins of the past life are washed away with constant remembrance of guru's word.
“The Guru's word erases the blot of thousands of evil deeds of the past, and the greatest sinner can become the greatest saint."31
There is no difference between the word (sabad) and the guru. Both are one and the same. The image of the guru is reflected through word (sabad). Bhāi Gurdās states that :
"In the word is the guru and the guru is in the word”.
The light of the guru is seen and all evil passions depart when the devotee dives deep into the spiritual music of word called the ‘unstruck sound' (anahad-sabad). The concept of unstruck sound is found also in the writings of Buddhist siddhas and hathayogins.
The sabad stands for nām and often it is linked with guru's word called guru kā sabad. The anahad-sabad according to the Nāthapantha is a soundless sound (unstruck-music), a mystical voice, audible to those who have reached the climax of hathayoga technique. In the highest state of spiritual development, one realizes the anahad-sabad or anāhat-sabda.
The word (sabad) or nām is the total expression of all that is final Truth, satinām. The veil of darkness can be removed illumination of satinām.
“He who meditates on the true name by means of the guru's word is accepted in the true court (of God) as a true follower of the guru."32
Although, the concept of hukamu is basic to Sikh theology, the acceptance of the doctrine of karma by Sikh Gurus seems to make room for possibility of free will of an individual within the general framework of the Divine Will. In the Japu the Guru says that it is karma which results in high or low birth, but it is through blessing that liberation is attained :
"Karma determines the nature of our birth (lit. the cloth), but it is through blessing that the door of salvation is found.33"
31. 32. 33.
Ibid., vol. IV, p. 1165. A di Granth, vol. II, p. 355. Tr. by McLeod, op. cit., p. 196. A di Granth, vol. I, p. 24.
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