Book Title: Dhatupradip
Author(s): Srishchandra Chakravarti
Publisher: Varendra Research Society

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Page 4
________________ asynonym of मञ्ज घोष is जिनभेद But my Jaina friends who are versed in these things assure me that there is no divinity of the name of 99 either in the वेताम्बर or in the दिगम्बर hierar-hy of the Jainas. On the other hand.मन घोष was a बोधिसत्त्व or Buddhist Missionary who lived in Nepal. He is variously called मञ्ज, मञ्जुश्री, मननाथ मनु घोष & worshipped by the Buddhists of the महायान sect. Images and pictures of this afat can be seen in Buddhistic Iconography. The descriptions of this God also exist in their Iconology. Such works as साधनमालातन्य, परमार्थनासङ्गीत, सद्धर्मपुण्डरीक, सुगतावदान, सुप्रभातस्तव &c. contain the prayers to and rules of worship of मञ्ज घोष। A treatise of this sect begins thus ओं नमो मञ्च नाथाय। जगदगुरु मञ्च,घोष नत्वा वाक्कायचेतसा &c.... Again Het is also recognised as a god by those who follow the religion dictated by the Tantras. The ways of his worship and his accounts are quoted in the तन्त्रसार by महामहोपाध्यायक्तष्णानन्दभट्टाचार्य from the भागमोत्तर, भैरवतन्त्र, and कुक्कटेश्वरतन्त्र / Hence (d) it appears that a Trantric sect of the Hindus, worshipping this god, prevailed once in Bengal at least, if not anywhere else. Quotes कृपानन्द in his तन्त्र सार नायोतिमिरव'सौ संसारार्णवतारकः / श्रीमञ्ज घोषो जयतु साधकानां सुखावहः // 1 // अस्य ध्यान यथा शशधरमिव शुध खड़गपुस्ताङ्गपाणि सुरुचिरमतिशान्त पञ्चचूड़ कुमारम् / पृथुतरवर वक्त पद्मपवायताक्ष कुमतिदहनदक्ष' मञ्ज घोष नमामि // 1 // (+) So, if #999 mentioned by traa be his god, he was either a Buddhist or a Tantric. But the general opinion is that a9 was a Buddhist. Nothing more is known of his life, parentage or birth place. Maitreya eulogises the भाष्यकार in 7. I. 12 of his सन्त्रप्रदीप, with the remarks that कैचिदिति। सूत्रकारमतानुसारिण इति। एतदयुक्तमिव दृश्यते। नहि भाष्यकारमतमनाहत्य मूवकारस्य कचनाभिप्रायो वर्णयितु युज्यते / सूत्रकारवातिककाराभ्यां तस्यैव प्रामाण्यदर्शनात् / तथाचाहु: (d) कृष्णानन्द had the title आगमवागीश. He was a resident of नवहीप in district Nadia and co-eval wi h Chaitanya-(A D 1485-A D 1533) He was a निवन्धकार in the author of a compendium of the Tantras It contains the rules and regulations of the Tantric religion current in Bengal. The beginning of his तन्त्र सारis नत्वा कशापदचन्ह ब्रह्मादिसरवन्दितम्। गुरुञ्च जानदातारवणानन्देन धीमता // 1 // तत्सदग्रन्थगताद वाक्यान्नानार्य प्रतिपद्य च। सौकयार्थञ्च संक्षेपात् तन्तसारी वितन्यते // 2 // The colophon is इनि महामहोपाध्याय श्रीकृणानन्दभट्टाचार्यविरचितस्तन्मसारसमाप्तः /


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