Book Title: Contribution Of Jaina Writers To Nyaya Vaisesika Literature
Author(s): J N Jaitley
Publisher: J N Jaitley

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Page 14
________________ 118 Bharati Vācaka Umāsvāti and Kundakundācārya (2nd-3rd Cen. A.D.): The Tattvārthasūtra by Umāsvāti (200-300 A.D.) is the first work in Sanskrit where all the principles of Jainism are embodied in Sūtra form. There is a Bhāşya on these Sūtras which is also attributed to Umāsvāti. There has been some discussion about the authorship of this Bhāşya but it is now accepted as Umāsvāti's work by eminent scholars of Jainism like Pt. Sukhalālji.1 In these Sūtras we find the following parallels with the Vaisesika school. Tattvārtha. defines Dravya as गुणपर्यायवद् द्रव्यम् (५-३७) while Vaisesika defines the same as क्रियागुणवद् द्रव्यम् (वै. सू. १-१-१५) Tattvārtha defines Guna as द्रव्याश्रया निर्गुणाः गुणाः (५-४०) while Vaisesika defines it as द्रव्याश्रय्य गुणवान् (वै. सू. १-१-१६) Tattvārtha defines Kala as वर्तना परिणामः क्रिया परत्वापरत्वे च कालस्य (५-२२) while Vaisesika defines it as अपरस्मिन्नपरं चिरंक्षिप्रमिति काललिङ्गानि (बै. सू. २-२-६). Similarly the division on the basis of Sādharmya or similarity and Vaidharmya or dissimilarity of Pudgalas etc. shows the use of this peculiar method of Vaiseşikas by Umāsvāti. In his Bhāsya establishing Nayavāda he shows the different views regarding the number of categories as follows: __यथा सर्वमेकं सदविशेषात् । सर्वं द्वित्वं जीवाजीवात्मकत्वात् । सर्वं त्रित्वं दुव्यगुण पर्यायावरोधात् । सर्वं चतुष्टयं चतुर्दर्शन-विषयावरोधात् and so on (१-३५) This passage when compared with the following passage of Nyāya-Bhāşya will show Umāsvāti's close familiarity with Nyāya-Bhāşya. Enumerating Sankhyaikāntavādas, Vātsyāyana observes : सर्वमेकं सदविशेषात् । सर्वं द्वेधा नित्यानित्यभेदात । सर्वं त्रेधा ज्ञाता ज्ञानं ज्ञेयमिति। सर्वं चतुर्धा प्रमाता'प्रमाणं, प्रमेयं प्रमितिरिति । एवं यथा सम्भवमन्येऽपीति । न्या. भा. ४-१-४१ . In the works of Kundakundācārya (about 2nd Cen. A.D.) who is one of the earliest Digambara writers on Jaina philosophy, we find the use of some peculiar technical Vaiseșika terms like Artha, 2 Ayutasiddha, 3 Murta and Amārta,4 which leaves no doubt about Vaisesika influence. Kundakurdācārya in one of the verses of his Pravacanasāra observes : दव्वाणि गुणा तेसिं पज्जाया अट्ठसण्णया भणिया। (१-८७) i.e. the term Artha is applicable to Dravya, Guna and Paryaya. He in his Pañcāstikāya states that Dravya and Guņa both are Ayutasiddha or 1 TS (Gujarati translation) introduction page 43. 3 Vide vs 8-2-3. 3 Ibid 7-2-3. • Pbh. pp. 7-8 क्षिति जलज्योतिरनिलमनसां क्रियावत्त वपरत्वापरत्ववेगवत्वानि ।


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